Mortimer Hall; or, The Labourer's Hire. A Novel. IN Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock, Monte Video, &c. &c.
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Thomas, Elizabeth. Mortimer Hall; or, The Labourer's Hire. A Novel. IN Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock, Monte Video, &c. &c.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 1123, Accessed 2025-03-26.
Thomas, Elizabeth. Mortimer Hall; or, The Labourer's Hire. A Novel. IN Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock, Monte Video, &c. &c. London: Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co., 1811.
Thomas , E. (1811). Mortimer hall; or, the labourer's hire. a novel. in four volumes. by mrs. bridget bluemantle, author of husband and wife, three old maids of the house of penruddock, monte video, &c. &c. London: Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co.
Thomas, Elizabeth. Mortimer Hall; or, The Labourer's Hire. A Novel. IN Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock, Monte Video, &c. &c. London: Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co., 1811.
@book{ wphp_1123 author={Thomas,Elizabeth}, year={1811}, title={Mortimer Hall; or, The Labourer's Hire. A Novel. IN Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock, Monte Video, &c. &c.}, publisher={Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co.}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Mortimer Hall; or, The Labourer's Hire. A Novel. IN Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, author of Husband and Wife, Three Old Maids of the House of Penruddock, Monte Video, &c. &c.