Name Fiction Novel

A narrative that pertains to imaginary events. Works in this subcategory have “novel” listed as the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 1–25 of 1347

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1114 "There is a Secret, Find it Out!". A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Meeke, Author of Amazement, Old Wife and Young Husband, Wonder of the Village, &c. &c. Meeke , Elizabeth
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
5677 [The] Hermit. A novel. By Miss Minifie, author of Barford-Abbey, The cottage, &c. Gunning , Susannah
James Williams [5 Skinner Row] (Dublin)
9032 A Bachelor's Heiress; or, a tale without wonder! A novel, in three volumes. By Catharine G. Ward, author of The Daughter of St. Omar, and My Native Land. Ward , Catherine George
Robert Baldwin III (London)
335 A Bride and No Wife. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Mosse, (Late Henrietta Rouviere,) author of Lussington Abbey, Heirs of Villeroy, Peep at our Ancestors, Old Irish Baronet, Arrivals from India, &c. &c. Mosse , Henrietta Rouviere
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
12161 A Collection of Novels, Selected and Revised by Mrs. Griffith. Haywood , Eliza
Behn , Aphra
Aubin , Penelope
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
631 A Father as He Should Be. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Says She to Her Neighbour, Clergyman's Widow, Visit to London, Patience and Perseverance, &c. Hofland , Barbara
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
9042 A Father as He Should Be. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Says She to Her Neighbour, Clergyman's Widow, Visit to London, Patience and Perseverance, &c. Second edition. Hofland , Barbara
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1824 Second edition.
21353 A father as he should be. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Says She to her Neighbour, Maid of Moscow, Son of a Genius, Officer's Widow, &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
431 A Father's Love and a Woman's Friendship; or, The Widow and Her Daughters. A Novel. In five volumes. By Henriette Rouviere Mosse, author of Lussington Abbey, Heirs of Villeroy, Old Irish Baronet, Peep At Our Ancestors, Arrivals from India, Bride and No Wife, &c. Mosse , Henrietta Rouviere
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
8990 A Hero of Salamanca; or, The Novice Isabel. A Novel, in Three Volumes. By H. M. Moriarty, author of "Brighton In An Uproar," &c. &c. &c. Moriarty , Henrietta Maria
21942 A patch-Work screen for the ladies; or, Love and virtue recommended: in a collection of instructive novels. Related after a manner intirely new, and interspersed with rural poems, describing the innocence of a country-life. By Mrs. Jane Barker, of Wilsthorp, near Stamford, in Lincolnshire. Barker , Jane
Edmund Curll [Strand] (London)
Thomas Payne [Paine] (London)
8945 A Peep into the Thuilleries; or, Parisian Manners: Including the Amours of Eugene de Rothelin. A Novel, in two volumes. By the Author of 'Adela de Senange'. Fileul , Adélaïde-Marie-Emilie
Michael Allen and Co. (London)
8267 A Series of genuine letters between Henry and Frances. The Third Edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and improved, by the authors. Griffith , Elizabeth
William Johnston [Ludgate Street] (London)
1767 The Third Edition
13455 A Series of genuine letters between Henry and Frances. The Third Edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and improved, by the authors. Griffith , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
1770 The Third Edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and improved, by the authors.
8268 A Series of genuine letters between Henry and Frances. Volume III / Volume IV Griffith , Elizabeth
Griffith , Richard
William Johnston [Ludgate Street] (London)
8948 A Set-Down at Court; Including a Series of Anecdotes in High Life, and the History of Monthemar. A Novel, founded on fact. In Four Volumes. By Kate Mont Albion, author of "Caledonia,"—"Lover's Labours,"—"Spanish Lady and Norman Knight," &c. &c. Bayley , Catharine
Michael Allen and Co. (London)
8755 A Summer at Brighton. A Modern Novel, in four volumes. The fourth volume contains The Story of the Modern Laïs. Fifth Edition. Young , Mary Julia
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
1808 Fifth edition.
904 A Summer at Brighton. A Modern Novel, in three volumes. Young , Mary Julia
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
8752 A Summer at Brighton. A Modern Novel, in Three Volumes. Young , Mary Julia
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
8754 A Summer at Brighton. A Modern Novel, in Three Volumes. Fourth Edition. Young , Mary Julia
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
James Fletcher Hughes [Paternoster Row] (London)
1808 Fourth Edition.
8753 A Summer at Brighton. A Modern Novel, in Three Volumes. Third Edition. Young , Mary Julia
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
1807 Third Edition.
1197 A Summer at Weymouth, or, The Star of Fashion. A Novel, in three volumes. By the author of A Summer at Brighton, &c. &c. Young , Mary Julia
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
834 A Tale of Mystery; or, Celina. A Novel. In four volumes. Altered from the French of Ducray-Duminil, by Mrs. Meeke, author of Which is the Man, The Sicilian, &c. &c. Ducray-Duménil , François-Guillaume
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
914 A Visit to London; or, Emily and her Friends. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Hofland. The Author of the Clergyman's Widow; Officer's Widow; Merchant's Widow; Daughter-in-law; Sisters; Says she to her neighbour; Panorama of Europe, &c. Hofland , Barbara
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
8714 A Winter at Bath; or, Love As It May Be, and Friendship As It Ought To Be; A Novel in 4 Vols. From the chaste and classical pen of Mrs. Bayfield. Bayfield , Mrs. E. G.
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)