Name Fiction Novel

A narrative that pertains to imaginary events. Works in this subcategory have “novel” listed as the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 26–50 of 1345

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
8373 A Winter at St. James's; or, Modern Manners. A Novel. In four volumes. By A. Hamilton, author of "The Irishwoman in London," &c. Hamilton , Ann Mary
Michael Allen and Co. (London)
8906 A Winter in Edinburgh; or, The Russian Brothers; A Novel. By H. Scott. Scott , Honoria
8905 A Winter in Edinburgh; or, The Russian Brothers; A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Honoria Scott. Scott , Honoria
J. Dick [Chiswell Street] (Edinburgh)
9127 A Year and A Day. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Madame Panache, author of Manners. Moore , Frances
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
9128 A Year and A Day. A Novel. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. By Madame Panache, author of Manners. Moore , Frances
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
1819 Second Edition
18967 A year and a day. A novel. Two volumes in one. By Madame Panache. Author of Manners. Moore , Frances
Charles Wiley (New York)
1378 A Year At Hartlebury or the Election. By Cherry and Fair Star. In Two Volumes. Disraeli , Sarah
Disraeli , Benjamin
Saunders and Otley (London)
1587 Abbassai an eastern novel. In two volumes. Translated from the French. Falques , Marianne-Agnès
John Coote (London)
8506 Adamina, a novel, by a lady. In two volumes. Unknown , [Woman]
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
6948 Adela Northington, a novel. In three volumes. Burke , Anne
W. Cawthorne (London)
1351 Adelaide; A Story of Modern Life. In Three Volumes. Cathcart , Miss
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
698 Adelaide; or, The Countercharm. A Novel. In five volumes. By the author of "Santo Sebastiano; or, The Young Protector:" "Romance of the Pyrenees:" and "The Forest of Montalbano." Cuthbertson , Catherine
George and Samuel Robinson (London)
Charles Cradock and William Joy (London)
16589 Adelaide. A new and original novel. By a lady of Philadelphia. In two volumes. Botsford , Margaret
6016 Adèle de Sénange, ou Lettres de Lord Sydenham. En deux volumes. Fileul , Adélaïde-Marie-Emilie
Joseph DeBoffe [Gerrard Street] (London)
John Debrett [179 Piccadilly] (London)
Thomas Hookham [Old Bond Street] (London)
James Edwards (London)
2144 Adeline St. Julian; or, the midnight hour. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Anne Ker, Author of the Heiress DI Montalde, &c. Ker , Anne
John and Edward Kerby (London)
1716 Adolphus de Biron. A novel. Founded on the French Revolution. In two volumes. ... Thomas , Ann
8111 Agitation: or memoirs of George Woodford and Lady Emma Melvill. A novel. Dedicated (by permission) to the Honourable Mrs. Lionel Damer. By the author of The Ring and The False Friends. In three volumes. Unknown ,
James Barker [Drury Lane] (London)
8113 Agitation: or memoirs of George Woodford and Lady Emma Melvill. A novel. Dedicated (by permission) to the Honourable Mrs. Lionel Damer. By the author of The Ring and The False Friends. In three volumes. Unknown ,
s.n. [sine nomine]
8112 Agitation: or, memoirs of George Woodford and Lady Emma Melvill. In three volumes. Dedicated (by permission) to the Honourable Mrs. Lionel Damer. By the author of The ring, and The false friends. A new edition. Unknown ,
James Barker [Drury Lane] (London)
1788 A new edition.
94 Agnes de Lilien. A Novel. From the German. In three volumes. By the author of Statira, and the Restless Matron. von Wolzogen , Caroline
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)
26158 Agnes Serle. By the author of "The Heiress." In Three Volumes. Pickering , Ellen
Richard Bentley (London)
8469 Albert; or, the wilds of Strathnavern. By Elizabeth Helme. Helme , Elizabeth
13729 Albina, a Novel. In a series of Letters. Unknown ,
John Halpen (also Halpin) [Henry Street] (Dublin)
Henry Whitestone [Capel Street] (Dublin)
Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] (Dublin)
John Cash [Capel Street] (Dublin)
William McKenzie [Dame Street] (Dublin)
William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street] (Dublin)
Charles Brown (Dublin)
Luke White [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Richard Lewis [Bride Street] (Dublin)
8574 Alfred; or the Adventures of the Knight of the Castle. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mary Elizabeth Parker. Parker , Mary Elizabeth
George Cawthorn, Apollo Press (London)
1217 Alinda; or, The Child of Mystery. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By the author of "Ora and Juliet, Castle of Tariffa, &c." Beauclerc , Amelia
Benjamin and Richard Crosby and Co. (London)