ID 411
Name John Debrett [179 Piccadilly]
Gender Unknown
Street Address 179 Piccadilly
City London
Start Date 1789
End Date 1805
Related People Debrett, John


Displaying 1–25 of 25

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A letter to a friend, with a poem, called the ghost of Werter. By Lady- Wallace , Eglantine (Author)
Bookseller Suicide; a poem. Inscribed, by permission, to Richard Cosway, principal painter to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. By Mary Dawes Blackett. Blackett , Mary Dawes (Author)
Bookseller The baroness of Beaumont. A novel. By a lady. A narrative founded on observation. The Object of it is a perfect Acquiescence in the Will of the great Disposer of Events: Whilst it shews Virtue in different Characters, it will, it is hoped, not be found destitute of Amusement and Originality. ... Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bookseller Adelaide and Antonine: or the emigrants: a tale, by Mary Julia Young. Young , Mary Julia (Author)
Bookseller The Baroness of Beaumont. A novel. By a lady. A narrative founded on observation. The second edition. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bookseller The religion of nature, a short discourse, Delivered before the national assembly at Paris, by Mons. le Curé of - on his resigning the priesthood. With a short address to the jurymen of Great Britain. By Bob Short. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)
Publisher Sonnets Unknown , (Author)
Publisher The conduct of the King of Prussia and General Dumourier, investigated by Lady Wallace. Second edition. Wallace , Eglantine (Author)
Publisher A collection of poems and fables, by Mrs. Isabella Kelly. Kelly , Isabella (Author)
Publisher Adèle de Sénange, ou Lettres de Lord Sydenham. En deux volumes. Fileul , Adélaïde-Marie-Emilie (Author)
Bookseller A voyage round the world, in the Gorgon man of war: Captain John Parker. Performed and written by his widow; For the advantage of a numerous family. Dedicated, by permission, to Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales. Parker , Mary Ann (Author)
Bookseller Most Humbly Dedicated to the Queen. The prophecies of Brothers confuted, from divine authority. By Mrs. Williams, Of New Store-Street, Bedford-Square. Williams , Eliza (Author)
Publisher Mémoires sur la vie et le caractere de Mme. la duchesse de Polignac. Avec des anecdotes intéressantes sur la Révolution Françoise, et Sur La Personne De Marie-Antoinette, Reine De France. Par la comtesse Diane de Polignac. de Polignac , Diane Louise Augustine (Author)
Publisher The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far excels any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. A List of the various Kinds of Meat, Poultry, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruit, in Season, in every Month of the Year. II. Directions for Marketing. III. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection. IV. Sauces for all plain Dishes. V. Made Dishes. VI. To dress Poultry, Game, &c. Vii. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. Viii. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for Suppers, or Side or Corner Dishes. IX. To dress Turtle, Mock-Turtle, &c. X. To dress Fish. XI. Sauces for Fish. XII. Of Soups and Broths. XIII. Of Puddings and Pies. XIV. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which may be made use of at any other Time. XV. Directions for the Sick. XVI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Dishes for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board. XVII. Of Hog's Puddings, Sausages, &c. XVIII. To pot, make Hams, &c. XIX. Of Pickling. XX. Of making Cakes, &c. XXI. Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whipt Sullabubs. XXII. Of Made Wines, Brewing, Baking, French Bread, Muffins, Cheese, &c. XXIII. Jarring Cherries, Preserves, &c. XXIV. To make Anchovies, Vermicelli, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XXV. Of Distilling. XXVI. Directions for Carving. XXVII. Useful and valuable Family Receipts. XXVIII. Receipts for Perfumery, &c. In which are included, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts, not inserted in any former edition. With a copious index. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with all the modern improvements: And also the order of a bill of fare for each month; the dishes arranged on the table in the most fashionable style. Glasse , Hannah (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Bookseller Une semaine d'une maison d'éducation de Londres: contenant des lectures tirées des Incas de M. Marmontel, dout le style est aussi pur que facile: des histoires agréables: et des dialogues entre l'auteur & ses elèves: Par Lesquels l'on voit leur Coeur, leur Esprit, & leur Raison, se former par Dégré. Par une dame de distinction. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher An historical essay on the ambition and conquests of France, with some remarks on the French revolution. Containing 1.-Sketch of general history previous to the Frech revolution; 2.-Remarks on the French revolution from 1789 to 1791; 3.-Abridgement of the history of the revolution from 1791 to 1796. Campbell , Amabel Hume (Author)
Bookseller A Northumbrian Tale. Written by a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bookseller Prospectus of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, incorporated by charter MDCCC. Patron, the King. With a copy of the charter, and a list of the subscribers. Unknown , (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Bookseller)
Publisher A Grammar of the Malay Tongue, as Spoken in the Peninsula of Malacca, the Islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo Pinang, &c. &c. Compiled from Bowrey's Dictionary, and Other Authentic Documents, Manuscript and Printed. Embellished with a Map. Howison , James (Author)
Arrowsmith , Aaron (Engraver)
Bowrey , Thomas (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher An history of marine architecture. Including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great Britain; derived chiefly from original manuscripts, as well in private collections as in the great public repositories: and deduced from the earliest period to the present time. In three volumes. Vol. I. By John Charnock, Esq. F.S.A. Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Charnock , John (Author)
Publisher The school for fashion, in two volumes. By Mrs. Thicknesse. Thicknesse , Ann (Author)
Publisher A Dictionary of the Malay Tongue, as Spoken in the Peninsula of Malacca, the Islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo Pinang, &c. &c. In Two Parts, English and Malay, and Malay and English. Part the First. To Which is Prefixed a Grammar of that Language. Embellished with a Map. By John Howison, M.D. Howison , James (Author)
Arrowsmith , Aaron (Engraver)
Bowrey , Thomas (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher An history of marine architecture. Including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great Britain; derived chiefly from original manuscripts, as well in private collections as in the great public repositories: and deduced from the earliest period to the present time. In three volumes. Vol. II. By John Charnock, Esq. F.S.A. Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Charnock , John (Author)
Publisher The Siege of Acre. An Epic Poem. In Six Books. By Mrs. Cowley. Cowley , Hannah (Author)
Publisher An history of marine architecture. Including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great Britain; derived chiefly from original manuscripts, as well in private collections as in the great public repositories: and deduced from the earliest period to the present time. In three volumes. Vol. III. By John Charnock, Esq. F.S.A. Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Charnock , John (Author)

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"John Debrett [179 Piccadilly]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 411, Accessed 2025-03-03.

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