Name Fiction Novel

A narrative that pertains to imaginary events. Works in this subcategory have “novel” listed as the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 51–75 of 1345

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
9340 Almack's[.] A Novel. In three volumes. Hudson , Marianne Spencer Stanhope
Saunders and Otley (London)
9341 Almack's[.] A Novel. In three volumes. Second edition. Hudson , Marianne Spencer Stanhope
Saunders and Otley (London)
1827 Second edition.
9342 Almack's[.] A Novel. In three volumes. Third edition. Hudson , Marianne Spencer Stanhope
Saunders and Otley (London)
1827 Third edition.
8136 Almeria Belmore. In a series of letters. By a lady. O'Connor , E.
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
8830 Almeria D'Aveiro; or, The Irish Guardian. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Mackenzie, author of Mysteries Elucidated; Feudal Events; Martin and Mansfeldt; Dusseldorf; Neapolitan, &c. &c. Mackenzie , Anna Maria
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
Lane, Darling, and Co. (London)
8683 Alphonsine: or, Maternal Affection. A Novel. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
8682 Alphonsine: or, Maternal Affection. A Novel. By Madame Genlis. In Four Volumes. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] (London)
8741 Alvondown Vicarage. A Novel. In Two Volumes. Roche I , Regina Maria
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
8805 Alzylia, a novel, in four volumes. Weimar , Miss
Clement Chapple [66 Pall Mall] (London)
322 Amabel; or, Memoirs of A Woman of Fashion. By Mrs. Hervey. Author of the Mourtray Family, &c. In Four Volumes. Hervey , Elizabeth
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (London)
9020 Amabel; or, Memoirs of A Woman of Fashion. By Mrs. Hervey. Author of the Mourtray Family, &c. In Four Volumes. Hervey , Elizabeth
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
593 Amazement. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Mrs. Meeke, Author of Ellesmere, Midnight Weddings, &c. Meeke , Elizabeth
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
8336 Ambition. In Three Volumes. Lewis , Mary
William Blackwood [Princes Street] (Edinburgh)
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
15924 Amelia; or, The faithless Briton. An original American novel, founded upon recent facts. To which is added, Amelia, or Malevolence defeated; and, Miss Seward's Monody on Major Andre. Hayley , William
Seward , Anna
William Spotswood (Boston)
Caleb Parry Wayne (Boston)
6485 Ammorvin and Zallida. A novel. In two volumes. Charlton , Mary
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)
362 An Angel's Form and a Devil's Heart. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Selina Davenport, author of The Hypocrite, or Modern Janus, Donald Monteith, Original of the Miniature, Leap Year, &c. Davenport , Selina
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
8314 An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life. In the History of the Widow Placid, and Her Daughter Rachel. The Fifth Edition. Corp , Harriet
Williams and Smith (London)
1809 The Fifth Edition.
25557 An apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews. In which the many notorious falshoods and misreprsentations [sic] of a book called Pamela, are exposed and refuted; and all the matchless Arts of that young Politician, set in a true and just Light. Together with a full Account of all that passed between her and Parson Arthur Williams; whose Character is represented in a manner something different from that which he bears in Pamela. The hole being exact Copies of Authentick Papers delivered to the Editor. Necessary to be had in all Families. By Mr. Conny Keyber. Fielding , Henry
Anne Dodd II (London)
2980 An old friend with a new face: a novel. In three volumes. By Mrs. Parsons. Parsons , Eliza
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
1811 Andrew Stuart, or the northern wanderer. A novel. In Four Volumes. By Mary Ann Hanway. Author of Ellinor, or the World as it is. Hanway , Mary Ann
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)
6525 Andronica, or the fugitive bride, a novel, in two volumes. By Mary Charlton. Charlton , Mary
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)
7091 Anecdotes of a convent. By the author of Memoirs of Mrs. Williams. In three volumes. ... Unknown ,
Thomas Becket and P. A. De Hondt (London)
7094 Anecdotes of a convent. By the author of Memoirs of Mrs. Williams. In two volumes. Unknown ,
James Potts (Dublin)
Thomas Walker (Dublin)
6439 Anecdotes of the Altamont family. A novel. In four volumes. By the author of The Sicilian, &c. Meeke , Elizabeth
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)
6930 Anecdotes of the Delborough family. A novel. In five volumes. By Mrs. Gunning. Gunning , Susannah
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)