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Unknown, [Man]. The Weavers' Complaint; or, a Bundle of Plain Facts. A Novel Poem. Containing the True Sense and Signification of Modern Orthodox Sermons, as delivered by all the Preachers of the Present Day. Being an Humble Attempt to tear away the Mask of Hypocrisy by which they have been so Long Enabled to Gull and Delude the People in Supporting the Oppressor. By an operative of Keighley.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 12624, Accessed 2025-03-31.

@book{ wphp_12624
  title={The Weavers' Complaint; or, a Bundle of Plain Facts.  A Novel Poem. Containing the True Sense and Signification of Modern Orthodox Sermons, as delivered by all the Preachers of the Present Day. Being an Humble Attempt to tear away the Mask of Hypocrisy by which they have been so Long Enabled to Gull and Delude the People in Supporting the Oppressor. By an operative of Keighley.},
  publisher={Henry Hetherington \& },
  address={Keighley},    }

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