The Death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner, the seventh edition.
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Gessner, Salomon. The Death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner, the seventh edition.The Women's Print History Project, 2019,
title ID 13431,
Gessner , S. (1766). The death of abel. in five books. attempted from the german of mr. gessner, the seventh edition. Dublin: W. Powell.
Gessner, Salomon. The Death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner, the seventh edition. Dublin: W. Powell, 1766.
@book{ wphp_13431 author={Gessner,Salomon}, year={1766}, title={The Death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner, the seventh edition.}, publisher={W. Powell \& }, address={Dublin}, }
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