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An Appeal to American women. 1836
An Appeal to American women. 1836

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Unknown, [Woman]. An Appeal to the Christian Women of America.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 15934, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Unknown, [Woman]. An Appeal to the Christian Women of America. New York City: Ladies' New York City Anti-Slavery Society, 1836.

Unknown , [. (1836). An appeal to the christian women of america. New York City: Ladies' New York City Anti-Slavery Society.

Unknown, [Woman]. An Appeal to the Christian Women of America. New York City: Ladies' New York City Anti-Slavery Society, 1836.

@book{ wphp_15934
  title={An Appeal to the Christian Women of America.},
  publisher={Ladies' New York City Anti-Slavery Society},
  address={New York City},    }

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