Always happy: or, Anecdotes of Felix, and his sister Serena. A tale. Written for her children, by a mother. From the second London edition.
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Budden, Maria Elizabeth. Always happy: or, Anecdotes of Felix, and his sister Serena. A tale. Written for her children, by a mother. From the second London edition.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 16683, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Budden , M.E. (1816). Always happy: or, anecdotes of felix, and his sister serena. a tale. written for her children, by a mother. from the second london edition. New York: William B. Gilley.
Budden, Maria E. Always happy: or, Anecdotes of Felix, and his sister Serena. A tale. Written for her children, by a mother. From the second London edition. New York: William B. Gilley, 1816.
@book{ wphp_16683 author={Budden,Maria Elizabeth}, year={1816}, title={Always happy: or, Anecdotes of Felix, and his sister Serena. A tale. Written for her children, by a mother. From the second London edition.}, publisher={William B. Gilley}, address={New York}, }
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