The metamorphoses of the town: or, a view of the present fashions. A tale. After the manner of Fontaine. The third edition. To which is added, The Journal of a modern lady. By Dean Swift.
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Thomas, Elizabeth, Swift, Jonathan. The metamorphoses of the town: or, a view of the present fashions. A tale. After the manner of Fontaine. The third edition. To which is added, The Journal of a modern lady. By Dean Swift.The Women's Print History Project, 2019,
title ID 21949,
Thomas, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Swift. The metamorphoses of the town: or, a view of the present fashions. A tale. After the manner of Fontaine. The third edition. To which is added, The Journal of a modern lady. By Dean Swift. London: John Wilford, 1731.
@book{ wphp_21949 author={Thomas,Elizabeth and Swift,Jonathan}, year={1731}, title={The metamorphoses of the town: or, a view of the present fashions. A tale. After the manner of Fontaine. The third edition. To which is added, The Journal of a modern lady. By Dean Swift.}, publisher={John Wilford}, address={London}, }
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