A present for a servant-maid: or, the sure means of gaining both love and esteem. ...
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Haywood, Eliza. A present for a servant-maid: or, the sure means of gaining both love and esteem. ...The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 23094, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/23094. Accessed 2025-03-31.
Haywood, Eliza. A present for a servant-maid: or, the sure means of gaining both love and esteem. ... London: 1743.
@book{ wphp_23094 author={Haywood,Eliza}, year={1743}, title={A present for a servant-maid: or, the sure means of gaining both love and esteem. ...}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
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