The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. Interspersed with several entertaining and instructive stories. Part the second. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood.
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Haywood, Eliza. The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. Interspersed with several entertaining and instructive stories. Part the second. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 23255, Accessed 2025-03-31.
Haywood, Eliza. The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. Interspersed with several entertaining and instructive stories. Part the second. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: 1725.
Haywood , E. (1725). The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. interspersed with several entertaining and instructive stories. part the second. by mrs. eliza haywood. London:
@book{ wphp_23255 author={Haywood,Eliza}, year={1725}, title={The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. Interspersed with several entertaining and instructive stories. Part the second. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. Interspersed with several entertaining and instructive stories. Part the second. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood.