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Astell, Mary, Norris, John. Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of The proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late Discourse, shewing, That it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other Loves, is further Cleared and Justified. Published by J. Norris, M. A. late Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The third edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 23894, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_23894
  author={Astell,Mary and Norris,John},
  title={Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of The proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late Discourse, shewing, That it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other Loves, is further Cleared and Justified. Published by J. Norris, M. A. late Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The third edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added.},
  publisher={Edmund Parker},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of The proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris: Wherein his late Discourse, shewing, That it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other Loves, is further Cleared and Justified. Published by J. Norris, M. A. late Rector of Bemerton near Sarum. The third edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added.
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