A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay.
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Trotter (Cockburn), Catharine. A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 24055, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/24055. Accessed 2025-03-09.
Trotter (Cockburn), Catharine. A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay. London: William Turner, John Nutt, 1702.
Trotter (Cockburn) , C. (1702). A defence of the essay of human understanding, written by mr. lock. wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that essay. London: William Turner. John Nutt.
Trotter (Cockburn), Catharine. A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay. London: William Turner, John Nutt, 1702.
@book{ wphp_24055 author={Trotter (Cockburn),Catharine}, year={1702}, title={A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay.}, publisher={William Turner \& John Nutt}, address={London}, }
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