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Titles 601
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Displaying 1–25 of 601

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
42 A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of every Age and Country. By Matilda Betham. Betham , Mary Matilda
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
Thomas Tegg and Castleman (London)
Edmund Lloyd [24 Harley Street] (London)
22683 A bold stroke for a wife: a comedy; as it is acted at the Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By the author of The busie-body and The gamester. Centlivre , Susanna
William Mears [Temple Bar] (London)
Jonah Browne [Brown] (London)
Francis Clay (London)
22154 A bold stroke for a wife: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Centlivre , Susanna
William Feales (London)
21990 A bold stroke for a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By the author of The busy-body, and The gamester. Centlivre , Susanna
William Feales (London)
17187 A Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the society called Shakers. Written by herself. To which is added, Affidavits and Certificates; also, a declaration from their own publication. (Copy right secured.) Dyer , Mary Marshall
William S. Spear (Boston)
23676 A catalogue of a small but curious collection of books and manuscripts in several languages, being the library of that eminent historian James Tyrrell, esq; deceased: Author of the general history of England, in five volumes in folio. To which is added, some curious books collected abroad, the whole in excellent condition. Many bound in the most curious manner. Among which are the following, viz. Folio. The history of the Old and New Testament, represented in up-wards of 800 curious prints, double rul'd, and finely bound. Several books of prints. Walton's Polyglot Bible, with the lexicon complete. Dr. Hammond's works, 4 vol. Tyrrell's history of England, 5 vol. complete, with very large and curious manuscript notes of the author. Stukely's itinerary through Eng-land, with 100 cuts. Father Montfaucon's Antiquities, with the supplement comp. 6 vol. full of fine cuts. With many more equally good, in Folio, Quarto, Octavo, and Twelves. And will be sold very cheap, on Monday the 23d instant, 1735. By Olive Payne, Bookseller Payne , Olive
23692 A catalogue of several thousand volumes, Wherein are Many Useful and Curious Books in all Parts of Learning, in Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, and English: For the Generality in very good Condition, many Curiously Bound, and almost all Gilt on the Back, or Letter'd: Which will be sold very Cheap, On Wednesday the 7th of this Instant January, 1735, and to continue daily till all are sold, By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace' ... Round Court, over against York-Buildings in the Strand. Catalogues may be had Gratis, Of Mr. Strahan, in Cornhill; Mr. Mears, on Ludgate-Hill; Mr. Stone, near Bedford Row, Mr. Bickerton, Temple-Bar; Mr. Lewis, Covent-Garden; Mr. Brindley, New Bond-Street; Mr. Jolliffe, St. James's; Mr. Stagg, and Mr. Fox, Westminster-Hall; and at the Place of Sale. Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books in any Language or Faculty. Payne , Olive
s.n. [sine nomine]
23691 A catalogue of the libraries of Peter Baudoin, Esq; and the Reverend Mr. Brown, (both lately deceased) containing Near Ten Thousand Volumes in all Languages, Arts and Sciences; And will be sold very Cheap on Wednesday the 7th of this Instant May 1735; and continue selling daily till all are sold, By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace's Head in Round-Court, opposite York-Buildings in the Strand. Catalogues to be had, with the Prices printed, at One Shilling each, of Mrs. Nutt at the Royal-Exchange; Mrs. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; Mr. Chrichley's, Charing-Cross; and at the Place of Sale: Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books in any Language or Faculty. N. B. The Books in general are in good Condion, many bound in the best Manner, and several printed by the most famous, eminent Printers. Payne , Olive
23700 A caveat to the treaters; or, The modern schemes of partition examin'd, with relation to the safety of Europe in general, and of Great-Britain and Ireland in particular. Including an answer to several late pamphlets on that subject; with a more particular account of the conferences at Gertruydenberg than has yet been publish'd. Hare , Francis
Sarah Popping (London)
23047 A choice manual, or, rare and select secrets in physick and chirurgery. Collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countess of Kent, Late Deceased. Whereto are added several Experiments of the Virtues of Gascon-Powder, and Lapis contra Yarvam, by a Professor of Physick. As also most Exquisite ways of Preserving, Conserving, Candying, &c. The 21st edition, with additions. Grey , Elizabeth
Henry Mortlock (London)
1708 The 21st edition, with additions.
21978 A choice manual: or, rare and select secrets in physick and chirurgery. Collected and practised by the Right Honourable the Countess of Kent, Lately Deceased. Whereto are added, Several Experiments of the Virtues of Gascon-Powder, and Lapis Contra Yarvam; by a Professor of Physick. As also most exquisite Ways of Preserving, Conserving, Candying, &c. The 22d edition, with additions. Grey , Elizabeth
John Clarke [Duck Lane] (London)
1726 The 22d edition, with additions.
23292 A codicil to be added to the will of me Elizabeth Hastings containing the devise of my manor of Wheldale to the provost and scholars at Queen's Colledge [sic] Oxford for the uses herein mentioned. Hastings , Elizabeth
22103 A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick and surgery; for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for Preserving and Conserving of sweet-meats, &c. and a new index to both parts. Published by Mrs. Mary Kettilby. Mary Kettilby (London)
Henry Lintot (London)
1749 The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c. and a new Index to both Parts.
24209 A collection of entertaining histories and novels, Designed to promote the Cause of Virtue and Honour. Principally founded on Facts, and interpreted with a Variety of beautiful and instructive Incidents. By Mrs. Penelope Aubin. And now first collected in three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, The Noble Slaves; or, The Lives and Adventures of two Lords and two Ladies. The Life and amorous Adventures of Lucinda, an English Lady. The Strange Adventures of the Count de Vinevil, and his Family. Aubin , Penelope
Daniel Midwinter II (London)
Arthur Bettesworth (London)
Charles Hitch (London)
John Pemberton (London)
Richard Ware (London)
Charles Rivington I (London)
Aaron Ward (London)
James and Paul Knapton (London)
Thomas Longman I (London)
Richard Hett I (London)
Stephen Austen (London)
John Wood (London)
24308 A collection of receipts in cookery, physick and surgery. Part II. Containing likewise a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c. By several hands. The Second Edition. Richard Wilkin (London)
1724 The second edition.
20804 A Comparative view of the Natural Small-Pox, Inoculated Small-Pox, and Vaccination in their effects on Individuals and Society. White , William
13146 A course of lectures, for Sunday evenings. Containing religious advice to young persons. Third Edition. Kilner , Mary Ann
1796 Third Edition.
10273 A cup of sweets, that can never cloy, or, Delightful tales for good children. By a lady. Semple , Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
10304 A cup of sweets, that can never cloy, or, Delightful tales for good children. By the author of Godmother's tales &c. &c. Semple , Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1810 Fourth Edition.
13676 A Defence of the Decree of the National Convention of France, For emancipating the slaves in the West Indies. By W. Fox. Fox , William
24055 A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul,, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay. Trotter (Cockburn) , Catharine
William Turner (London)
John Nutt (London)
13348 A description of a set of prints of ancient history; contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs. Trimmer. In two parts. Trimmer , Sarah
John Marshall I [Fleet St] (London)
Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock (London)
Nathaniel Hailes [168 Piccadilly] (London)
24438 A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English, containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into other. To which End, Many Things that were Erroneous are Rectified, many Superfluities Retrenched, and very many Defects Supplied. And All suited to the meanest Capacities, in a plainer Method than heretofore: Being (for Ease) reduced into an Alphabetical Order, and Explained in the Mother-Tongue. And Towards the Compleating the English Part (which hath been long desired) here are added Thousands of Words, Phrases, Proverbs Proper Names, and many other useful Things mentioned in the Preface to the work. The eighth edition, enlarged. By Elisha Coles, Late of Magd. Coll. Oxon. Coles , Elisha
Rebecca Bonwicke (London)
William Freeman (London)
Timothy Goodwin (London)
John Walthoe I (London)
Matthew Wotton (London)
Samuel Manship (London)
John Nicholson (London)
Richard Parker (Cornhill)
Benjamin Tooke I (London)
Ralph Smith III (London)
1716 The eighth edition, enlarged
23021 A fountain of gardens: or, a spiritual diary of the wonderful experiences of a Christian soul, under the conduct of the heavenly wisdom; continued from the year MDCLXXVIII, to the middle of the year MDCLXXXVI. Vol. III. Part. II. By J. Lead. Lead , Jane
896 A Historical Relation of the Plague at Marseilles in the year 1720 Bertrand , Jean-Baptiste
Joseph Mawman [Poultry] (London)