ID 6752
Name William Mears [Temple Bar]
Gender Male
Street Address Lamb, without Temple Bar
City London
Start Date 1713
End Date 1728
Sources British Book Trade Index 46571
Related Firms William Mears [Ludgate Hill]
Notes Also spelled Meares


Displaying 1–25 of 38

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller Electra, A Tragedy. Translated from the Greek of Sophocles. Sophocles , (Author)
Unknown , (Translator)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The Cid: or, the heroick daughter. A tragedy. Corneille , Pierre (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Ozell , John (Translator)
Bookseller The life and character of Jane Shore, collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More, Who was Her Cotemporary, and Personally knew Her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe. Inscrib'd to Mrs. Old Field. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher The beau's duel: or, a soldier for the ladies. A comedy, as acted at the New Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty's servants. By Mrs. Cent-Livre. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Bookseller The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or, abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table. Hale , Matthew (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected. Hale , Matthew (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The grand precedent: or, the conveyancer's guide and assistant. Containing the several distinct parts of all manner of instruments, writings, conveyances and assurances, in one grand deed; as, The Dates; the Parties how written in all Cases; Recitals of Deeds; Considerations; Grants and Premisses, and Bequests in Wills, &c. Exceptions, Habendums, Habendums in Trust to Uses, &c. Reddendums, Conditions and Proviso's; Covenants, Warranties, &c. Not only in all common matters, but upon the most extraordinary occasions, when Things of the greatest Difficulty and Variety have happened. By Giles Jacob, gent. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The scrivener's guide. Vol. II. Being choice and approved forms of precedents of all sorts of business now in use and practice, in a much better Method than any yet Printed; and useful for all gentlemen, but chiefly for those who practice the law, viz. Articles of Agreement, Assignments, Acquittances, Bankrupts, Bargains and Sales, Bills, Bonds, Certificates, Conditions, Copartnerships, Copyhold Precedents, Covenants, Defeazances, Deputations, Grants, Jointures, Indentures, Leases, Letters of Attorney, Licences, Mortgages, Obligations, Partitions, Provisoes, Releases, Revocations, Settlements of Estates, Wills, Warrants, &c. By Nicholas Covert, one of the Attorneys of the Court of Common Pleas. The third edition, corrected and enlarged with many additions, by William Bohun, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Covert , Nicholas (Author)
Bohun , William (Editor)
Bookseller A law-dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With references to the several statutes, records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added above two thousand two hundred words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq; Blount , Thomas (Author)
Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller A law-Dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With References to the several Statutes, Records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added near three thousand words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq; Blount , Thomas (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Nelson , William (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Serjeant at Law, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries, in English. Also Every Citation in the Report is carefully examin'd by the Law-Books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the Point in Question made appear; and those ranged in that Order as in many Places to form an Argument where there was none before; with large Observations. Likewise Many obsolete Words and difficult Sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different Character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for Students and Practisers of the Common Law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)
Bookseller Emblems, divine and moral; together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man. Written by Francis Quarles. Quarles , Francis (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher A bold stroke for a wife: a comedy; as it is acted at the Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By the author of The busie-body and The gamester. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Publisher A compendious and accurate treatise of fines upon writs of covenant; and recoveries upon writs of entry in the post. With ample and copious Instructions how to draw, acknowledge, and levy the same in all Cases. Being a Work performed with great Exactness, and full of Variety of Clerkship. With an Addition of several Precedents, and many Observations, Rules and Cases concerning the Effect and Operation of Fines and Recoveries. The fifth edition, reviewed, corrected, and now very much inlarged. Brown , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The compleat Parish-officer; Containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, petty-constables, headboroughs, and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to acts of Parliament; with the high constable's precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of churchwardens; how chosen, their particular business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats: the manner of passing their accompts, and the laws and statutes concerning the church in all cases and also an abstract of the act for building fifty new churches. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor and settlements, and the statutes concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the highways and scavengers how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, laws of the highways. To which are added, the statutes relating to hackney-coaches and chairs. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Serjeant at Law, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries, in English. Also Every Citation in the Report is carefully examin'd by the Law-Books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the Point in Question made appear; and those ranged in that Order as in many Places to form an Argument where there was none before; with large Observations. Likewise Many obsolete Words and difficult Sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different Character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for Students and Practisers of the Common Law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)
Publisher Modern cases, argued and adjudged in the Court of Queen's Bench at Westminster, in the second and third years of Queen Anne, in the time when Sir John Holt late Chief Justice there. With two tables: the first, of the names of the cases: And the Other, of the special Matter therein contained. By a careful hand. The Second Edition. Review'd and Corrected, and Many thousand New and Proper References added. By W. B. Esq; Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
B. , W. (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 1 more.
Publisher Tables of all the cases printed in the books of reports, digested under proper heads. To which is added, the names of all the cases in an alphabetical order. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The justice of peace's vade mecum: being a compleat summary of all the acts of Parliament relating to justices of peace; shewing the various penalties of offences by statute, and the particular power of one, two, or more Justices, in their proceedings and determinations, as well as out of sessions, under several distinct Heads. To which are added, some adjudged cases concerning justices of peace, and the several branches of their business; Instructions for drawing all manner of warrants, and Precedents of Warrants, Commitments, &c. in all common Matters. The whole done in an alphabetical method, with an exact table. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Publisher The practical register: or, a general abridgment of the law, as it is now practised in the several courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, digested by way of Common-place, under Alphabetical heads, with a great variety of Cases extracted from the Reports. Together with all the modern rules of court brought down to this present year 1719. In two volumes. To which are added, Two TABLES: One of the several Acts of Parliament mention'd and explain'd throughout this whole Work. The Other, of the Names of the several Heads contained in each Volume. By John Lilly, Gent, Lilly , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Reports of cases and special arguments, argued and adjudged in the court of King's Bench, beginning in Easter term the thirtieth of King Charles the Second, and ending in Easter Term the third of King James the Second. With many marginal notes and references: with two complete tables, ... By Sir Benjamin Shower, ... Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Shower , Bartholomew (Author)
Publisher The compleat Parish-officer; Containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, petty-constables, headboroughs, and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to acts of Parliament; with the high constable's precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of churchwardens; how chosen, their particular business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats: the manner of passing their accompts, and the laws and statutes concerning the churchin all cases and also an abstract of the act for building fifty new churches in London and Westminister, &c. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor and settlements, and the statutes concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the highways and scavengers how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, laws of the highways, &c. To which are added, the statutes relating to hackney-coaches and chairs, &c. The Second Edition with Additions. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The land-purchaser's companion: and the laws relating to tenants and tenures. Containing I. The Years Purchase all forts of Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, &c. arc worth; Valluation of Wood, Timber, Tithes, Annuities, &c. with Contracts for Sales. II. A Summary of all the Laws and Statutes concerning Purchases of Lands, tenements, Rents, &c. and the Common Deeds for Conveying and Assigning of the same, Mortgages, &c. Ill. An Abridgement of the Laws relating to all kinds of Tenures; Tenants and Occupiers of Estates: Of Leases, Demand and Tender or Rent, Diftresses and Replevin, Waste, &c. with Precedents of Grants, Leases, &c. interspersed. To which are added, the laws and statutes relating to tithes, so far as they concern Tenants: The Law of Ejectments; Rentals of Estates, Accounts of Rents, &c. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time. Great Britain , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The laws of taxation: being a concise treatise of all the acts of Parliament now in force, ... relating to the taxes of England, ... Wherein are set forth, the power and authority of the Senate in levying of taxes; the particular duties ... on the subject, ... the adequate penalties for defaults in payment, ... To which are prefix'd, several new schemes for establishing of funds, ... towards satisfying the national debts: ... Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)

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"William Mears [Temple Bar]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6752, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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