The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time.
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Great Britain. The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time.The Women's Print History Project, 2019,
title ID 26075,
Great Britain, . The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time. London: Richard Sare, Daniel Browne I, John Walthoe I, Bernard Lintott, Robert Gosling, William Mears [Temple Bar], William Taylor, John Osborne I [Lombard St], Francis Clay, 1720.
Great Britain , . (1720). The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. viz. 1. of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. of estates, and their several kinds. 3. of copyholds and copyholders. 4. of leases, covenants, surrenders, assignments, &c. 5, and 6. of the parties to leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. contain the obligations and rights of the parties, by virtue of the lease. 9, and 10. of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. necessary for all landlords, tenants, farmers, stewards, agents, sollicitors, and others concerned in the buying, selling, and letting of estates the sixth edition. to which is added an appendix containing such acts of. parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time. London: Richard Sare. Daniel Browne I. John Walthoe I. Bernard Lintott. Robert Gosling. William Mears [Temple Bar] William Taylor. John Osborne I [Lombard St] Francis Clay.
Great Britain, . The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time. London: Richard Sare, Daniel Browne I, John Walthoe I, Bernard Lintott, Robert Gosling, William Mears [Temple Bar], William Taylor, John Osborne I [Lombard St], Francis Clay, 1720.
@book{ wphp_26075 author={Great Britain,}, year={1720}, title={The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time.}, publisher={Richard Sare \& Daniel Browne I \& John Walthoe I \& Bernard Lintott \& Robert Gosling \& William Mears [Temple Bar] \& William Taylor \& John Osborne I [Lombard St] \& Francis Clay}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the nature and origin of tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5, and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7, and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9, and 10. Of the remedies the law gives each party for the recovery of their rights. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Sollicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates The sixth edition. To which is added an appendix containing such Acts of. Parliament and proper precedents as relate to these subjects, brought down to this time.