A spy on the conjurer: or, a collection of surprising and diverting stories, with merry and ingenious letters. By way of memoirs of the famous Mr. Duncan Campbell, demonstrating the astonishing Foresight of that Wonderful Deaf and Dumb Man. The Whole being Moral and Instructive. Written to my Lord ----- by a Lady, who, for Twenty Years past, has made it her Business to observe all Transactions in the Life and Conversation of Mr. Campbell. Revised by Mrs. Eliza Haywood.
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Haywood, Eliza. A spy on the conjurer: or, a collection of surprising and diverting stories, with merry and ingenious letters. By way of memoirs of the famous Mr. Duncan Campbell, demonstrating the astonishing Foresight of that Wonderful Deaf and Dumb Man. The Whole being Moral and Instructive. Written to my Lord ----- by a Lady, who, for Twenty Years past, has made it her Business to observe all Transactions in the Life and Conversation of Mr. Campbell. Revised by Mrs. Eliza Haywood.The Women's Print History Project, 2019,
title ID 24281, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com
Haywood, Eliza. A spy on the conjurer: or, a collection of surprising and diverting stories, with merry and ingenious letters. By way of memoirs of the famous Mr. Duncan Campbell, demonstrating the astonishing Foresight of that Wonderful Deaf and Dumb Man. The Whole being Moral and Instructive. Written to my Lord ----- by a Lady, who, for Twenty Years past, has made it her Business to observe all Transactions in the Life and Conversation of Mr. Campbell. Revised by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London: 1724.
Haywood , E. (1724). A spy on the conjurer: or, a collection of surprising and diverting stories, with merry and ingenious letters. by way of memoirs of the famous mr. duncan campbell, demonstrating the astonishing foresight of that wonderful deaf and dumb man. the whole being moral and instructive. written to my lord ----- by a lady, who, for twenty years past, has made it her business to observe all transactions in the life and conversation of mr. campbell. revised by mrs. eliza haywood. London:
@book{ wphp_24281 author={Haywood,Eliza}, year={1724}, title={A spy on the conjurer: or, a collection of surprising and diverting stories, with merry and ingenious letters. By way of memoirs of the famous Mr. Duncan Campbell, demonstrating the astonishing Foresight of that Wonderful Deaf and Dumb Man. The Whole being Moral and Instructive. Written to my Lord ----- by a Lady, who, for Twenty Years past, has made it her Business to observe all Transactions in the Life and Conversation of Mr. Campbell. Revised by Mrs. Eliza Haywood.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for A spy on the conjurer: or, a collection of surprising and diverting stories, with merry and ingenious letters. By way of memoirs of the famous Mr. Duncan Campbell, demonstrating the astonishing Foresight of that Wonderful Deaf and Dumb Man. The Whole being Moral and Instructive. Written to my Lord ----- by a Lady, who, for Twenty Years past, has made it her Business to observe all Transactions in the Life and Conversation of Mr. Campbell. Revised by Mrs. Eliza Haywood.