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Dunton, John. Dunton's recantation; or, His reasons for deserting his Whiggish principles and turning Jacobite, at this time when a new rebellion is so much talk'd off. With the cause of his dissaffection to King George, and the present ministry. Inscrib'd to that noble duke, that revolves to serve the lawful King, with his life and fortune.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 24439, Accessed 2025-03-28.

@book{ wphp_24439
  title={Dunton's recantation; or, His reasons for deserting his Whiggish principles and turning Jacobite, at this time when a new rebellion is so much talk'd off. With the cause of his dissaffection to King George, and the present ministry. Inscrib'd to that noble duke, that revolves to serve the lawful King, with his life and fortune.},
  publisher={John Dunton \& },
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Dunton's recantation; or, His reasons for deserting his Whiggish principles and turning Jacobite, at this time when a new rebellion is so much talk'd off. With the cause of his dissaffection to King George, and the present ministry. Inscrib'd to that noble duke, that revolves to serve the lawful King, with his life and fortune.
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