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Brooke, Charlotte. Proposals for printing by subscription reliques of Irish poetry: Consisting of heroic tales, odes, elegies, and songs, translated into English verse, with notes explanatory and historical; to which will be subjoined a legendary tale. By Miss Brooke.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 2469, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_2469
  title={Proposals for printing by subscription reliques of Irish poetry: Consisting of heroic tales, odes, elegies, and songs, translated into English verse, with notes explanatory and historical; to which will be subjoined a legendary tale. By Miss Brooke.},
  address={Dublin},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Proposals for printing by subscription reliques of Irish poetry: Consisting of heroic tales, odes, elegies, and songs, translated into English verse, with notes explanatory and historical; to which will be subjoined a legendary tale. By Miss Brooke.
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