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Southerne, Thomas. Oroonoko. A tragedy. Altered from the Original Play of that Name, written by the late Thomas Southern, Esq; to which The Editor has added near Six Hundred Lines, in place of the comic scenes. Together with an addition of two new characters. Intended for one of the theatres.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 26187, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_26187
  title={Oroonoko. A tragedy. Altered from the Original Play of that Name, written by the late Thomas Southern, Esq; to which The Editor has added near Six Hundred Lines, in place of the comic scenes. Together with an addition of two new characters. Intended for one of the theatres.},
  publisher={Ann and Charles Corbett},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Oroonoko. A tragedy. Altered from the Original Play of that Name, written by the late Thomas Southern, Esq; to which The Editor has added near Six Hundred Lines, in place of the comic scenes. Together with an addition of two new characters. Intended for one of the theatres.
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