The extraordinary ill usage I have had, I desire by the following sheets the public may be made acquainted with, as they, at present, are blinded by prejudice and falshood.
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Burnell, Mary. The extraordinary ill usage I have had, I desire by the following sheets the public may be made acquainted with, as they, at present, are blinded by prejudice and falshood.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 6488, Accessed 2024-11-24.
Burnell, Mary. The extraordinary ill usage I have had, I desire by the following sheets the public may be made acquainted with, as they, at present, are blinded by prejudice and falshood. Nottingham: s.n. [sine nomine], 1775.
@book{ wphp_6488 author={Burnell,Mary}, year={1775}, title={The extraordinary ill usage I have had, I desire by the following sheets the public may be made acquainted with, as they, at present, are blinded by prejudice and falshood.}, publisher={s.n. [sine nomine]}, address={Nottingham}, }
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