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Shove, Sarah. To the president, vice-president, and governors of the London Hospital. My Lords and gentlemen, the office of matron to this hospital being declared vacant, the favour of your votes and interest is humbly requested in behalf of Sarah Shove, widow of John Shove, woollen-draper, in cannon-street, and common-council-man of this city. The peculiar circumstances of her situation, she hopes, will recommend her to the benevolence of the governors; and the trusts that on enquiry she will be found qualified for the office. ...The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 7420, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_7420
  title={To the president, vice-president, and governors of the London Hospital. My Lords and gentlemen, the office of matron to this hospital being declared vacant, the favour of your votes and interest is humbly requested in behalf of Sarah Shove, widow of John Shove, woollen-draper, in cannon-street, and common-council-man of this city. The peculiar circumstances of her situation, she hopes, will recommend her to the benevolence of the governors; and the trusts that on enquiry she will be found qualified for the office. ...},
  publisher={s.n. [sine nomine]},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for To the president, vice-president, and governors of the London Hospital. My Lords and gentlemen, the office of matron to this hospital being declared vacant, the favour of your votes and interest is humbly requested in behalf of Sarah Shove, widow of John Shove, woollen-draper, in cannon-street, and common-council-man of this city. The peculiar circumstances of her situation, she hopes, will recommend her to the benevolence of the governors; and the trusts that on enquiry she will be found qualified for the office. ...
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