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Hume, Sophia. A word of advice and warning. To handicrafts-men, labourers, sea-men, fisher-men, &c. You my Friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, and sweat of your brows, and who by the pressing necessities of your families, are call'd to a diligent attendance on your employments, and for this reason perhaps may apprehend you are in some sort excused from devoting any part of your time to the service of God, and the care of your souls; ...The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 7597, Accessed 2025-03-09.

@book{ wphp_7597
  title={A word of advice and warning. To handicrafts-men, labourers, sea-men, fisher-men, &c. You my Friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, and sweat of your brows, and who by the pressing necessities of your families, are call'd to a diligent attendance on your employments, and for this reason perhaps may apprehend you are in some sort excused from devoting any part of your time to the service of God, and the care of your souls; ...},
  publisher={s.n. [sine nomine]},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for A word of advice and warning. To handicrafts-men, labourers, sea-men, fisher-men, &c. You my Friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, and sweat of your brows, and who by the pressing necessities of your families, are call'd to a diligent attendance on your employments, and for this reason perhaps may apprehend you are in some sort excused from devoting any part of your time to the service of God, and the care of your souls; ...
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