A word of advice and warning to handicrafts-men, labourers, carmen, coachmen, chairmen, &c. You, my friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, ...
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Hume, Sophia. A word of advice and warning to handicrafts-men, labourers, carmen, coachmen, chairmen, &c. You, my friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, ...The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 7626, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/7626. Accessed 2025-03-09.
@book{ wphp_7626 author={Hume,Sophia}, year={1750}, title={A word of advice and warning to handicrafts-men, labourers, carmen, coachmen, chairmen, &c. You, my friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, ...}, publisher={s.n. [sine nomine]}, address={London}, }
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