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Polglase, Ann Eaton. The Shipwreck; a Tale of Arabia: And Other Poems. By A. E. P.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 9600, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Polglase, Ann Eaton. The Shipwreck; a Tale of Arabia: And Other Poems. By A. E. P. London: Edmund Fry, Thomas Hamilton and William Adams, 1827.

Polglase , A.E. (1827). The shipwreck; a tale of arabia: and other poems. by a. e. p. London: Edmund Fry. Thomas Hamilton and William Adams.

Polglase, Ann E. The Shipwreck; a Tale of Arabia: And Other Poems. By A. E. P. London: Edmund Fry, Thomas Hamilton and William Adams, 1827.

@book{ wphp_9600
  author={Polglase,Ann Eaton},
  title={The Shipwreck; a Tale of Arabia: And Other Poems. By A. E. P.},
  publisher={Edmund Fry \& Thomas Hamilton and William Adams \& },
  address={London},    }

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