ID 117
Name John Wilkie
Gender Male
Street Address 71 St. Paul's Churchyard
City London
Start Date 1750
End Date 1785


Displaying 1–25 of 36

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller The miscellaneous works, in prose and verse, of Mrs. Mary Latter, of Reading, Berks. In three parts. Latter , Mary (Author)
Bookseller The miscellaneous works, in prose and verse, of Mrs. Mary Latter, of Reading, Berks. In three parts. The second edition. Latter , Mary (Author)
Publisher The history of Portia. Written by a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into the other. To which end many things that were erroneous, are rectified, many superfluities retrenched, and very many defects supplied. And all suited to the meanest capacities, in a plainer method than heretofore; being for ease reduced into an alphabetical order, and explained in the mother tongue. And towards the compleating the English part (which hath been long desired) here are added thousands of words, phrases, proverbs, proper names, and many other useful things mentioned in the preface to the work. The seventeenth edition, with large additions. By Elisha Coles, late of Magdalen-College, Oxon. Coles , Elisha (Author)
Hawes , Lacy (Publisher)
Ware , Catherine (Publisher)
and 4 more.
Publisher Biographium Fæmineum. The Female Worthies: or, Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Ladies, of all Ages and Nations, who have been Eminently distinguished for their Magnanimity, Learning, Genius, Virtue, Piety, and other excellent Endowments, conspicuous in all the various Stations and Relations of Life, public and private. Containing (exclusive of Foreigners) The Lives of above Fourscore British Ladies, who have shone with a peculiar Lustre, and given the noblest Proofs of the most exalted Genius, and superior Worth. Collected from History, and the most approved Biographers, and brought down to the present Time. In Two Volumes. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Jane Douglas; with several other important pieces of private correspondence from all which The Characters of That celebrated lady, and of Her Husband Sir John Stewart, will appear in a light Hitherto not sufficiently known to the World. The Whole drawn from the most Authentic Sources, collected, arranged, and illustrated with notes. Together with an introductory preface, Giving some Account of Lady Jane Douglas; Partly taken from a Case drawn up by Alexander Lockhart Esquire, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates. To which are subjoined, the dying declarations Of Lady Jane Douglas, Sir John Stewart, and their Attendant Mrs. Helen Hewit, Which have been much insisted on in Behalf of Archibald Douglas Esq. With a Cool and Candid Inquiry how far such Declarations should weigh with the rational Part of Mankind. Douglas , Jane (Author)
Publisher The woman of fashion: or, the history of Lady Diana Dormer. In two volumes. Gibbes , Phebe (Author)
Publisher An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear, compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets. With some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. Montagu , Elizabeth (Author)
Bookseller An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear, compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets. With some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. The second edition. Montagu , Elizabeth (Author)
Denoyer , Mrs. H. (Bookseller)
Publisher The art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soops aud Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which you may make use of at any other time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Things for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board a Ship. XII. Of Hogs Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheese-Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Whipt. Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Muffins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicella, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Seasons of the Year for Butchers Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog. By Dr. Mead. XXIII. A Receipt to keep clear from Buggs. To which are added, by way of appendix, one hundred and fifty new and Useful receipts, And a Copious Index. By a lady. A new edition. Glasse , Hannah (Author)
Publisher Letters from Clara: or, the effusions of the heart. Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The inflexible captive: a tragedy by Miss Hannah More. The Third Edition. More , Hannah (Author)
Farley , Sarah (Printer)
Bookseller The inflexible captive: a tragedy. By Miss Hannah More. More , Hannah (Author)
Farley , Sarah (Printer)
Bookseller The inflexible captive: a tragedy. By Miss Hannah More. The Second Edition. More , Hannah (Author)
Farley , Sarah (Printer)
Bookseller The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. The fourth edition. More , Hannah (Author)
Bookseller The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. The third edition. More , Hannah (Author)
Publisher A poem on the times. By Miss Fell, of Newcastle. Fell , Miss (Author)
Publisher Edwin and Julia: a novel. In a series of letter. By a lady. In two volumes. ... Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher The art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. Containing, I. How to Roast and Boil to Perfection every Thing necessary to be sent up to Table. II. Of Made-Dishes. III. How expensive a French Cook's Sauce is. IV. To make a Number of pretty little Dishes for a Supper or Side-Dish, and little Corner-Dishes for a great Table. V. To dress Fish. VI. Of Soops and Broths. Vii. Of Puddings. Viii. Of Pies. IX. For a Lent Dinner; a Number of good Dishes, which you may make use of at any other time. X. Directions to prepare proper Food for the Sick. XI. For Captains of Ships; how to make all useful Things for a Voyage; and setting out a Table on board a Ship. XII. Of Hogs Puddings, Sausages, &c. XIII. To pot and make Hams, &c. XIV. Of Pickling. XV. Of making Cakes, &c. XVI. Of Cheese-Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Whip-Syllabubs, &c. XVII. Of made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Mussins, &c. XVIII. Jarring Cherries and Preserves, &c. XIX. To make Anchovies, Vermicella, Catchup, Vinegar, and to keep Artichokes, French Beans, &c. XX. Of Distilling. XXI. How to market; the Season of the Year for Butchers Meat, Poultry, Fish, Herbs, Roots, and Fruit. XXII. A certain Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog. By Dr. Mead. XXIII. A Receipt to keep clear from Buggs. To which are added, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts, and a copious index. By a lady. Glasse , Hannah (Author)
Publisher The Pleasures of retirement, preferable to the joys of dissipation; exemplified in the life and adventures of the Count de B--. Written by himself. In letters to a friend. Now first translated from the original French, by a lady. Duclos , Charles Pinot (Author)
Unknown , (Translator)
Bookseller The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. More , Hannah (Author)
Publisher An humble tribute to the memory of Mr. Sterne. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bookseller The breathings of genius. Being a collection of poems; to which are added, essays moral and philosophical. By Elizabeth Gilding, Woolwich, Kent. Gilding , Elizabeth (Author)
Bookseller The breathings of genius. Being a collection of poems; to which are added, essays, moral and philosophical. By Elizabeth Gilding, Woolwich, Kent. Gilding , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The memoirs of Ninon de L'Enclos: with her letters to Monsr. de St. Evremond, and to the Marquis de Sevigne. Collected and translated from the French, by a lady. In two volumes. de l'Enclos , Ninon (Author)
Griffith , Elizabeth (Translator)

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"John Wilkie" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 117, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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