ID 143
Name Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green
Gender Unknown
Street Address 39 Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1827
End Date 1837
Related Firms Thomas Norton Longman III


Displaying 26–50 of 91

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Self-Denial. A Tale. By Mrs. Hofland, Author Of Integrity, A Tale; Patience, A Tale; Decision, A Tale; Moderation, A Tale; Reflection, A Tale; The Son Of A Genius; Tales Of The Priory; Tales Of The Manor, &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Publisher Tales of the Harem. By Mrs. Pickersgill. Pickersgill , Maria (Author)
Publisher Tales; Mournful, Mirthful, and Marvellous. By Mrs. Wilmot Wells, of Margate. In three volumes. Wells , Sarah Wilmot (Author)
Publisher The Busy-Bodies; A Novel. By the authors of "The Odd Volume." In three volumes. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Publisher The Golden Violet, with its Tales of Romance and Chivalry: and other poems. By L. E. L. Author of "The Improvisatrice," "The Troubadour," Etc. Landon , Letitia Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The Odd Volume. Second Series. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Publisher The Odd Volume. Third Edition. Corbett , Marion (Author)
Corbett , Margaret (Author)
Bookseller Original Poems, on Various Subjects. By Rebecca Gooch. Second edition. Gooch , Rebecca (Author)
Publisher A comparative view of the social life in England and France, From the Restoration of Charles the second, to the French Revolution. By the editor of Madame du Deffand's Letters. Berry , Mary (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Publisher A Spinster's Tour in France, the States of Genoa, &c. during the Year 1827. Strutt , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Ada, and Other Poems. By Mary Ann Browne, Authoress of "Mont Blanc," &c. &c. Browne , Mary Ann (Author)
Publisher Ada, and Other Poems. By Mary Ann Browne, Authoress of "Mont Blanc," &c. &c. Second Edition. Browne , Mary Ann (Author)
Publisher Ada, and Other Poems. By Mary Ann Browne, Authoress of "Mont Blanc," &c. &c. Third Edition. Browne , Mary Ann (Author)
Publisher Africa Described, in Its Ancient and Present State; Including Accounts from Bruce, Ledyard, Lucas, Horneman, Park, Salt, Jackson, Sir F. Henniker, Belzoni, the Portuguese Missionaries, and Others, down to the Recent Discoveries by Major Denham, Dr. Oudney, and Captain Clapperton; Intended for the Use of Young Persons and Schools. By Mrs. Hofland Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Publisher Coming Out; and The Field of the Forty Footsteps. By Jane and Anna Maria Porter. In three volumes. Porter , Anna Maria (Author)
Porter , Jane (Author)
Publisher Coming Out; and the Field of the Forty Footsteps. By Jane and Anna Maria Porter. In Three Volumes. Porter , Anna Maria (Author)
Porter , Jane (Author)
Publisher Conversations on botany: with plates. Sixth edition. Marcet , Jane (Author)
Fitton , Sarah Mary (Author)
Fitton , Elizabeth (Author)
and 1 more.
Publisher Detraction Displayed. By Amelia Opie. Opie , Amelia (Author)
Publisher Glenalpin, or The Bandit's Cave. By Miss Sarah Taylor. In two volumes. Taylor , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Poetry for Children, Consisting of Short Pieces to be Committed to Memory Aikin , Lucy (Editor)
Publisher Rural and Other Poems, by Mrs. Chadwick. Chadwick , Frances (Author)
Publisher Tales of the Affections: Being Sketches from Real Life. By Mrs. Caddick. Caddick , Mrs. H. C. (Author)
Publisher The White Hoods. An Historical Romance. By Anna Eliza Bray, Late Mrs. Charles Stothard, author of "De Foix;" "Letters Written During a Tour Through Normandy and Brittany;" "Memoirs of the Late Charles A. Stothard, F. S. A." &c. &c. Bray , Anna Eliza (Author)
Bookseller Effusions of Genius. By the late Rebecca Ribbans. Ribbans , Rebecca (Author)
Bookseller Poems on Malvern, and Other Subjects. By Elizabeth Smith. Smith , Elizabeth (Author)

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"Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 143, Accessed 2024-09-19.

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