Printer |
The Talba, or Moor of Portugal. A Romance. By Mrs. Bray, Author of the White Hoods; the Protestant; Fitz of Fitz-Ford, &C. &C. In Three Volumes. |
, Anna Eliza
1830 |
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The Works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with additions and corrections. In Eleven Volumes. |
, Henry
, Hannah
1830 |
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A View of the general tenour of The New Testament regarding the nature and dignity of Jesus Christ; including a collection of the various passages in the gospels, acts of the apostles, and the epistles, which relate to that subject. By Joanna Baillie. |
, Joanna
1831 |
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Fables and Other Pieces in Verse by Mary Maria Colling. With some account of the Author, in Letters to Robert Southey, Esq. Port Laureate, Etc. By Mrs. Bray, Author of "Fitz of Fitzford;" "The Talba;" &c. &c. |
, Mary Maria
, Anna Eliza
1831 |
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Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative of his Shipwreck, and Consequent Discovery of Certain Islands in the Caribbean Sea: with a detail of many extraordinary and highly interesting events in his life, from the year 1733 to 1749, as written in his own diary. Edited by Miss Jane Porter. |
, William Ogilvie
, Jane
1831 |
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Social Life in England and France, From the Restoration of Charles the second, to the French Revolution. By the editor of Madame du Deffand's Letters. |
, Mary
1831 |
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Stories for Young Children. By the author of "Conversations on chemistry," &c. &c. |
, Jane
1831 |
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Thaddeus of Warsaw. By Miss Jane Porter. Revised, Corrected, and Illustrated with a New Introduction, Notes, etc. by the author. |
, Jane
1831 |
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The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts's Divine and Moral Songs. Eleventh edition. |
, Elizabeth
1831 |
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The Scottish Chiefs, a Romance. By Miss Jane Porter. Revised, Corrected, and Illustrated with a New Introduction, Notes, Etc. by the Author. In Two Volumes. |
, Jane
1831 |
Publisher |
Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus. By the author of The Last Man, Perkin Warbeck, &c. &c. Revised, corrected, and illustrated with a new introduction, by the author. |
, Mary Wollstonecraft
1831 |
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Canterbury Tales. By Sophia and Harriet Lee. Revised, Corrected, and Illustrated with a New Preface, By Harriet Lee. In Two Volumes. |
, Sophia
, Harriet
1832 |
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Discipline: A Novel. By Mary Brunton, Author of "Self-Control." To Which is Prefixed, a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author, Including Extracts From Her Correspondence. |
, Mary
1832 |
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Garry Owen; or, The snow-woman: and Poor Bob, the chimney-sweeper. By Maria Edgeworth. With illustrations. |
, Maria
1832 |
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Legends of the Library At Lilies, By the Lord and Lady There. In Two Volumes. |
, Anne Lucy
, George Nugents
1832 |
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Self-Control. A Novel. By Mary Brunton. Complete in One Volume. |
, Mary
1832 |
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The Hungarian Brothers. By Miss Anna Maria Porter. Revised, Corrected, and Illustrated with a New Introduction, Notes, etc, by the Author. |
, Anna Maria
1832 |
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The Pastor's Fire-Side, A Novel. By Miss Jane Porter. With a New Introduction, by the Author. In Two Volumes. |
, Jane
1832 |
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The Seasons, Stories for Very Young Children |
, Jane
1832 |
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The seasons, stories for very young children: Winter. By the author of "Conversations on chemistry," &c. &c. |
, Jane
1832 |
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Corinne. By Madame de Staël. Complete in one volume. |
de Staël von Holstein
, Anne Louise Germaine
, Isabel
, Letitia Elizabeth
1833 |
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Emma: A Novel. By Jane Austen, author of "Sense and Sensibility," "Mansfield Park," &c. |
, Jane
1833 |
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John Hopkins's Notions on Political Economy. By the author of "Conversations on Chemistry, Political Economy." &c. &c. |
, Jane
1833 |
Printer |
Northanger Abbey. By Jane Austen. Persuasion. By the same. |
, Jane
1833 |
Printer |
Sense and Sensibility: A Novel. By Jane Austen. |
, Jane
1833 |
Suggestions and Comments for Andrew and Robert Spottiswoode [New Street Square]