ID 5871
Name Lydia R. Bailey
Gender Female
Street Address 10 North Alley
City Philadelphia
Start Date 1808
End Date 1861
Sources Wikipedia (#
Related People Bailey, Lydia R.


Displaying 176–200 of 208

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Unknown The Sorrows of Yamba; or the negro woman's lamentation More , Hannah (Author)
Bookseller Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta: or, A select century of the Colloquies of Corderius: with an English translation, as literal as possible: : designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, late master of the Public Grammar-School in Hull. The fifth edition, more correct than any of the former, by James Ross. Professor of the Latin and Greek languages, in the City of Philadelphia. Cordier , Mathurin (Author)
Clarke , John (Translator)
Ross , James (Editor)
and 1 more.
Printer "The Blessed Reformation." Martin Luther, portrayed by himself, contrasted with Martin Luther, portrayed by the Rev. Messrs. Shoeffers, pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church:--the one in the city of New York, and the other in Fredericktown, Maryland, in their sermons, preached on the thirty-first of October, 1817. On occasion of the Third Centurial Jubilee of the Reformation. By the Rev. John W. Beschter. Beschter , John William (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer A short, plain, comprehensive, practical Latin grammar, comprising all the rules and observations necessary to an accurate knowledge of the Latin classics, having the signs of quantity affixed to certain syllables, to show their right pronunciation. With an alphabetical vocabulary. The sixth edition revised and improved. By James Ross, A. M., professor of the Latin and Greek languages, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Ross , James (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer An address on the errors of husbandry, in the United States. Delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, at their annual meeting, January 14, 1818. By George Logan, M. D. one of the vice-presidents of the Society. Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Logan , George (Author)
Printer Bailey's Rittenhouse almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1819. Being the third after bissextile, or leap year. Calculated by Joshua Sharp. Sharp , Joshua (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer Bennett & Walton's almanac, for the year of our Lord 1819. Being the third after bissextile, or leap year. Calculated by Joshua Sharp. Sharp , Joshua (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer Botanical terminology; or, A pocket companion for students of botany: being a concise explanation of the terms employed in the classification and description of the vegetable kingdom. By John Eberle, M.D. Eberle , John (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer Charter, rules and by-laws, of the Society for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of St. John's Church, in the City and Vicinity of Philadelphia. Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta or, A select century of the Colloquies of Corderius: with an English translation, as literal as possible: : designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, late master of the Public Grammar-School in Hull. The fifth edition, more correct than any of the former, by James Ross, professor of the Latin and Greek languages, in the City of Philadelphia. Cordier , Mathurin (Author)
Clarke , John (Translator)
Ross , James (Editor)
and 1 more.
Printer Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta: or, A select century of the Colloquies of Corderius: with an English translation as literal as possible: designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, late master of the Public Grammar-School in Hull. The fifth edition, more correct than any of the former, By James Ross, professor of the Latin and Greek languages, in the City of Philadelphia. Cordier , Mathurin (Author)
Clarke , John (Translator)
Ross , James (Editor)
and 1 more.
Printer Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta: or, A select century of the Colloquies of Corderius: with an English translation, as literal as possible: : designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, late master of the Public Grammar-School in Hull. The fifth edition, more correct than any of the former, by James Ross. Professor of the Latin and Greek languages, in the City of Philadelphia. Cordier , Mathurin (Author)
Clarke , John (Translator)
Ross , James (Editor)
and 1 more.
Printer Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta: or, A select century of the Colloquies of Corderius: with an English translation, as literal as possible: : designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, late master of the Public Grammar-School in Hull. The fifth edition, more correct than any of the former, by James Ross. Professor of the Latin and Greek languages, in the City of Philadelphia. Cordier , Mathurin (Author)
Clarke , John (Translator)
Ross , James (Editor)
and 1 more.
Printer Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami colloquia familiaria nonnulla selecta: or, Some select familiar colloquies of D. Erasmus, of Rotterdam. With a literal translation. By John Clarke, of Hull. A new edition, in which many errors of former editions, both in the text and translation, have been corrected, and the signs of quantity, to assist the students in pronouncing, are annexed. By James Ross, professor of the Greek and Latin languages in the city of Philadelphia Erasmus , Desiderius (Author)
Clarke , John (Translator)
Ross , James (Editor)
and 2 more.
Printer Ditties for children. By a lady of Boston. Sproat , Nancy (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Anderson , Alexander (Engraver)
Printer Dumfries, August 1, 1818. M.L. Weems respectfully solicits the subscriptions of his friends, for Armstrong's edition of Scott's Family Bible, in six volumes octavo. Weems , Mason Locke (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer History of the United States, from their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808; or, the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence. By David Ramsay, M.D. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S.S. Smith, D.D. and L.L.D. and other literary gentlemen. In three volumes. Second edition, revised and corrected. Ramsay , David (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Ramsay , David (Copyright Holder)
Printer Kite's town and country almanac, for the year 1819. Being the third after leap year. Calculated by Joshua Sharp. Sharp , Joshua (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer Lessons for children. In four parts. By Mrs. Barbauld. Improved by cuts, designed by S. Pike, and engraved by Dr. Anderson. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Pike , S. (Illustrator)
and 1 more.
Printer Obituary of Charles Petit, a boy who lately died at the orphan asylum, in New York. Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer Sacred histories, selected from the Old Testament, and explained according to their internal or spiritual meaning. 1. The introduction. 2. The history of Creation. 3. The history of Paradise. 4. Paradise lost. 5. Cain and Abel. 6. The flood. Also, four parables of Jesus Christ, explained in the same way, by question and answer. By the Rev. J. Clowes, M.A. Rector of St. John's Manchester. To which is added, the faith of the New Church. Clowes , John (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Andrews , John (Engraver)
Printer Tales of my landlord Second series. Collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham, schoolmaster and parish clerk of Gandercleugh. The Second Philadelphia Edition. Scott , Walter (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer The first catechism for children, containing common things, necessary to be known at an early age. By the Rev. David Blair, author of The class-book, Reading exercises, Grammar of philosophy, &c. Phillips , Richard (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer A short system of Latin prosody: containing all the necessary rules and directions for scanning hexameter verse, and Horace's lyrics, with ease and advantage. By William Hooper, A. M. Professor of languages in the University of North Carolina. Hooper , William (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Printer Bailey's Rittenhouse almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1820. Being bissextile, or leap year. Calculated by Joshua Sharp. Sharp , Joshua (Author)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)

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"Lydia R. Bailey" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5871, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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