ID 6041
Name Andrew Bell
Gender Male
Street Address The Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhill, near Stocksmarket.
City London
Start Date 1694
End Date 1720
Sources British Book Trade Index 5367


Displaying 1–10 of 10

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The Female Advocate, or, A plea for the just liberty of the tender sex, and particularly of married women. Being reflections on a late rude and disingenuous discourse, delivered by Mr. John Sprint, in a sermon at a wedding, May 11th, at Sherburn in Dorsetshire, 1699. By a Lady of Quality. Chudleigh , Mary Lee (Author)
Publisher The female advocate; or, A plea for the just liberty of the tender sex, and particularly of married women. Being reflections on a late rude and disingenuous discourse, delivered by Mr. John Sprint, in a sermon at a wedding, May 11th, at Sherburn in Dorsetshire, 1699. By lady of quality. Chudleigh , Mary Lee (Author)
Bookseller A sermon preach'd the 27th of November, 1713. In commemoration of the great and dreadful storm in November, 1703. In which some account is given of the damages sustain'd; and the advantages of calling it again to remembrance. Publish'd at the desire of several gentlemen who annually observe that day. By Benjamin Stinton. Stinton , Benjamin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller A sermon preach'd the 27th of November, 1713. In commemoration of the great and dreadful storm in November, 1703. In which some Account is given of the Damages sustain'd; And the Advantages of calling it again to Remembrance. Publish'd at the Desire of several Gentlemen who annually observe that Day. By Benjamin Stinton. The Second Edition. Stinton , Benjamin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller A sermon preach'd the 27th of November, 1713. in commemoration of the great and dreadful storm in November, 1703. In which some Account is given of the Damages sustain'd; And the Advantages of calling it again to Remembrance. Publish'd at the Desire of several Gentlemen who annually observe that Day. By Benjamin Stinton. The Third Edition. Stinton , Benjamin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller A memorial of the proceedings of the late ministery and Lower House of Parliament. With an account of several secret correspondences with foreign ministers of state, Letters and Messages, sent from London to Paris and Utrecht, and from Utrecht and Paris to London; Abstracts of Speeches, Addresses, Answers, &c. with Reflections upon each Head. To which is added, A short History of a Plot to dethrone Queen Anne, and what has been attempted to bring in the Romish Pretender, since the King ascended the Throne. At the end of the Memorial is a Black List of the Names of many of those Persons concern'd in one or both Conspiracies. Also Particulars cast up in it, of Men, Horses, Money, Provisions, Cloaths, Quarters, Arms, Ammunition, &c. promis'd to the Assistance of the Treason. Writ by the author of An inquiry into the miscarriages of the four last years reign The Copic are Counterseit that have not this Coat of Arms on the Title-Page, viz. A Bend engrail'd between Six Cinque - foils, Crest a Grif Povey , Charles (Author)
Boulter , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Of the first invention of writing. An essay. Compendiously treating of the whole art. More particularly; of letters, their number, order, and of how many variations capable: of their first invention; by ancient Writers ascribed to Adam himself; and for what Reasons. Of Short-Hand. Of Secret Writing, Decypherable by the Key. Of Arithmetick, &c. Of the Improvement of Writing, at Home and in Foreign Parts: With an Historical Account of the most Eminent Professors of the Art. Also Maxims for attaining Perfection in It; and Observations on the Extensive Use and Application of It. Interspers'd with diverting History and Poetical Entertainments on the Subject. Whereunto are added, several pieces of the hands in use, not before published. By Robert More, Writing-Master and Accomptant, At the Golden Pen in Castle Street near the Mews Charing-Cross. More , Robert (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The Eighth Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio (Author)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; In five volumes. To which are added, (in order to render the Work Compleat) I. Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions for the Year 1708. II. The Accomplishment of his Prediction as to the Death of Dr. Partridge. III. His Vindication, against Dr. Partridge's Objections in his Almanack of 1709. IV. An Elegy on the Death of Dr. Patridge. Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; vol. V. The second edition. Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)

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"Andrew Bell" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6041, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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