ID 6727
Name John Osborn and Thomas Longman
Gender Male
Street Address Ship & Black Swan, Paternoster Row
City London
Start Date 1739
End Date 1755
Sources British Book Trade Index 43644
Related Firms Thomas Longman I
Mary and Thomas Longman
Notes This is Thomas Longman I. He married John's daughter Mary, who succeeded Thomas's business, along with Thomas's nephew Thomas Longman II, in 1755.


Displaying 1–4 of 4

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher The female orators: or, the courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women, Set forth in their Undaunted Defences and Noble Resolutions: Worthy the Perusal and Imitation of the Female Sex. English'd from the French edition of Monsieur de Scudery. de Scudéry , Madeleine (Author)
Sturt , J. (Engraver)
Publisher The life of Madam de Beaumount, a French lady; who lived in a cave in Wales above fourteen years undiscovered, being forced to fly to France for her religion; and of the cruel Usage she had there. Also her lord's adventures in Muscovy, where he was a Prisoner some Years. With An Account of his returning to France, and her being discover'd by a Welsh Gentleman, who fetch'd her Lord to Wales: And of many strange Accidents which befel them, and their Daughter Belinda, who was stolen away from them; and of their Return to France in the Year 1718. The second edition. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Publisher The office and duty of executors: or, a treatise directing testators to form, and executors to perform their wills and testaments according to law. Originally compiled by that judicious and approved author, Tho. Wentworth, late Bencher of Lincoln's-Inn. And now enlarged with a supplement, containing Divers Matters and Things not comprized in former Impressions, relating to Wills, Executors, Administrators, Devises, Legacies, &c. Collected from the Common and Statute Laws, and methodically digested, rendring the whole compleat, and in all its Parts conformable to the present Time and Laws now in Force. With References to the several Acts of Parliament and authentick Books of Reports both Ancient and Modern authorizing and approving the same. By H Curson, of the Inner-Temple. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Wentworth , Thomas (Author)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; revised and corrected by the author. Vol. I. Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)

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"John Osborn and Thomas Longman" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6727, Accessed 2025-03-27.

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