Name Unknown
Description No firm role indicated in the imprint.


Displaying 26–46 of 46

Firm Title
s.n. [sine nomine] Information for the dutchess of Buccleugh, against the earls of Melvill and Leven, and Mr. James Melvill of Hall-hill.
s.n. [sine nomine] Information for the magistrates of Perth, pursuers; against my Lady Gray, and her husband Lord Gray, defenders.
s.n. [sine nomine] Jane Vernon, widow, executrix and devisee of Thomas Vernon, Esq; deceas'd, - - - - petitioner. Captain John Vernon, - - - - - - - - respondent. The respondent's case.
s.n. [sine nomine] Letters published in the Salisbury Journal, &c. Sir, Mrs. Drummond's late discourse, delivered at the quakers meeting-house in Salisbury, on Thursday, the 16th of this instant, having given occasion for much conversation in this city, ...
s.n. [sine nomine] Librorum ex bibliothecis Philippi Farewell, D.D. et Danielis de Foe, gen. catalogus: or a catalogue of the libraries of the Reverend and learned Philips Farewell, ... and of the ingenious Daniel de Foe, ... to be sold ... on Monday the 15th of November, 1731. By Olive Payne, ...
s.n. [sine nomine] Lettres sur la religion essentielle à l'homme, distinguée de ce qui n'en est que l'accessoire.
s.n. [sine nomine] Suite de l'histoire secrette de la reine Zarah et des Zaraziens; Ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée.
s.n. [sine nomine] Suite de la troisieme partie sur la religion essentielle a l'homme, en douze lettres.
s.n. [sine nomine] Suite du système sur l'etat des ames separées des corps. Servant de réponse au livre intitulé Examen de l'Origenisme; par Mr. le Professeur R... Seconde Edition augumentée de diverses pieces
s.n. [sine nomine] A fountain of gardens: or, a spiritual diary of the wonderful experiences of a Christian soul, under the conduct of the heavenly wisdom; continued from the year MDCLXXVIII, to the middle of the year MDCLXXXVI. Vol. III. Part. II. By J. Lead.
s.n. [sine nomine] A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe.
s.n. [sine nomine] The election. A comedy of three acts. As it is now acting in London with great applause.
s.n. [sine nomine] From our womens yearly meeting held at York the 19th. and 20th. days of the fourth mounth. 1700.
s.n. [sine nomine] Grana angelica: or, the true Scots pills. ... are faithfully prepared only by I. Inglish from Edinburgh, ...
Alexandre le Vertueux Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah et des zaraziens, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée. Avec la clef pour l'intelligence de cette histoire.
Alexandre le Vertueux Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah et des Zaraziens; ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée. Avec la Clef pour l'intelligence de cette Histoire.
Alexandre le Vertueux Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough démasqueé [sic]. Traduite de l'original anglois.
s.n. [sine nomine] Holman's London ink powder for records. Publish'd by His Majesty's patent under the Great Seal of England. Which being found by experience of many thousands of persons (here as well as in foreign parts) to be most excellent for making the best black writing ink, ...
s.n. [sine nomine] In as much as I Ann Foggit have gone to the meetings of the people called Quakers: And therefore have been accounted one of that people, yet have been Blameworthy in my not walking according to the teachings of the grace of God, and advice of the aforesaid people, which occasioned a dislike in the meeting I frequented touching my marrying with Abraham Foggit; ...
s.n. [sine nomine] In Holbourn over against Southampton-Square, at the coffin and child, against the watch-house, next door to the sugar-loaf and role, where you will see the golden-ball hanging over the passage door, liveth Anne Laverenst, a German gentlewoman.
s.n. [sine nomine] The reply of Elizabeth Perkins, to the case of Edmund Perkins, Esq; concerning a bill preferr'd in Parliament for the education of her five children in the Protestant religion.