In Holbourn over against Southampton-Square, at the coffin and child, against the watch-house, next door to the sugar-loaf and role, where you will see the golden-ball hanging over the passage door, liveth Anne Laverenst, a German gentlewoman.
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Laverenst, Anne. In Holbourn over against Southampton-Square, at the coffin and child, against the watch-house, next door to the sugar-loaf and role, where you will see the golden-ball hanging over the passage door, liveth Anne Laverenst, a German gentlewoman.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 22534, Accessed 2025-03-10.
@book{ wphp_22534 author={Laverenst,Anne}, year={1700}, title={In Holbourn over against Southampton-Square, at the coffin and child, against the watch-house, next door to the sugar-loaf and role, where you will see the golden-ball hanging over the passage door, liveth Anne Laverenst, a German gentlewoman.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for In Holbourn over against Southampton-Square, at the coffin and child, against the watch-house, next door to the sugar-loaf and role, where you will see the golden-ball hanging over the passage door, liveth Anne Laverenst, a German gentlewoman.