Name Letters

Epistolary communication addressed to a person or group of people.


Displaying 1–25 of 122

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
22913 A letter from South Carolina; giving an account of the soil, air, product, trade, government, laws, religion, people, military strength, &c. of that province; together with the manner and necessary charges of settling a plantation there, and the annual profit it will produce. Written by a Swiss gentleman, to his friend at Bern. Nairn , Thomas
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
24714 A letter from Susan Sauce-pan, now cook-maid to Cardinal Alberoni, to Phil. - Hor-k. Occasionally written upon a late pamphlet, call'd a modest apology for parson Alberoni, &c. Unknown , [Woman]
448 A Letter from the Countess of Nithsdale . . . Containing a Circumstantial Account of the Escape of her Husband, William Maxwell, Fifth Earl of Nithsdale, from the Tower of London, the 23 of Feb., 1716 Maxwell , Winifred
John Rider II [Little Britain] (London)
24183 A letter to Doctor Pitt, an eminent physician at Oxford. By a young lady of Oxford; Author of several other Celebrated Pieces. Jones , Mary
Mary Cooper (London)
24422 A letter to Dr. Holdsworth, occasioned by his sermon preached before the University of Oxford: on Easter-Monday, concerning the resurrection of the same body. In which the passages that concern Mr. Lock are chiefly considered. By the author of, A defence of Mr. Lock's Essay of humane understanding; in answer to Some Remarks on that Essay. Trotter (Cockburn) , Catharine
Benjamin Motte (London)
23698 A letter to Mr. John Gay, on his tragedy, call'd, The captives. To which is annex'd, A copy of verses to her Royal Highness, the Princess. By Elizabeth Harrison. Harrison , Elizabeth
922 A Series of Letters between Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot from the year 1741 to 1770. To which are added, Letters from Mrs. Carter to Mrs. Vesey between the years 1763 and 1787. Published from the original manuscripts in the possession of the Rev. Montagu Pennington, M.A., Vicar of Northbourn, in Kent, her Nephew and Executor. In four volumes. Carter , Elizabeth
Talbot , Catherine
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
1072 A Series of Letters between Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot, from the year 1741 to 1770. To which are added, Letters from Mrs. Carter to Mrs. Vesey, between the years 1763 and 1787; Published from the original manuscripts in the possession of the Rev. Montagu Pennington, M.A. Vicar of Norghbourn, her nephew and executor. In two volumes. Carter , Elizabeth
Talbot , Catherine
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
22106 Copies of Miss Cathcart's letters to Sir John Houstoune, since she came away from him. Cathcart , Mainie Anne
831 Correspondence between Frances, Countess of Hartford and Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret, between the Years 1738 and 1741 Fermor , Henrietta Louisa
Seymour , Frances
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
22105 Court secrets: or, the lady's chronicle historical and gallant. From the year 1671, to 1690. Extracted from the letters of Madam de Sevigne, which have been suppressed at Paris. de Rabutin-Chantal , Marie
3903 Dernière lettre du chevalier D'Eon à M. le Comte de Guerchy en datte du 5 Aout, 1767. Avec l'extrait de la procedure en bonne forme. d'Éon de Beaumont , Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée
s.n. [sine nomine]
21507 Familiar letters, written by Mrs. Sarah Osborn, and Miss Susanna Anthony, late of Newport, Rhode-Island. Published according to act of Congress. Osborn , Sarah
Anthony , Susanna
2590 Fragments of original letters, of Madame Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria, Duchess of Orleans; written from the year 1715 to 1720, to His serene Highness Anthony Ulric, Duke of B- W-; and to Her royal Highness Carolina, Princess of Wales. Translated from the French. In two volumes. Orléans , Charlotte-Elisabeth
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (London)
24946 His Grace the Duke of Marlborough's Letter to the Rt. Hon. Mr. Secretary Harley, together with other Letters which passed between His Grace and the Deputies of the States-General and the Three States of Barbant, the Magistrates of Brussels, &c. Published by Authority. Churchill , John
Mary Jones [Savoy] (London)
24695 In as much as I Ann Foggit have gone to the meetings of the people called Quakers: And therefore have been accounted one of that people, yet have been Blameworthy in my not walking according to the teachings of the grace of God, and advice of the aforesaid people, which occasioned a dislike in the meeting I frequented touching my marrying with Abraham Foggit; ... Foggit , Ann
22283 Internal revelation the source of saving knowledge: candidly recommended in several epistles. By May Drummond. Drummond , May
23715 Internal revelation the source of saving knowledge: Candidly recommended in several epistles. By May Drummond. Drummond , May
975 Klopstock and His Friends: A Series of Familiar Letters, written between the years 1750 and 1803. Translated from the German, with a Biographical Introduction. bu Miss Benger. Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (London)
2254 Les petits soupers et les nuits de l'hôtel Bouill-n. Lettre de Milord Comte de ******, à Milord ********. Au sujet des récréations de M. de C-stri-s ou de la danse de l'ours, anecdote singuliere d'un cocher qui s'est pendu à l'hôtel Bouill-n, le 31 décembre 1778 à l'occasion de la danse de l'ours. de La Fitte , Anne-Gédéon
s.n. [sine nomine]
20380 Letter from Elizabeth Webb to Anthony William Boehm. With his answer. Webb , Elizabeth
Böhme , Anton Wilhelm
22176 Letter from Miss Cathcart to Lady Shaw, from Leghorn, dated the 18th of January 1745, exhibited by Lady Shaw in the Commissary-court. ... Cathcart , Mainie Anne
s.n. [sine nomine]
6777 Letters between Mrs. M*** K*****, and M*** W******, her niece, published by the latter, in vindication of her conduct. With explanatory notes. Unknown ,
22043 Letters from a lady of quality to a chevalier. Translated from the French. By Mrs. Haywood. Haywood , Eliza
William Rufus Chetwood (London)
4851 Letters from a mother to her son, on his going to sea: and a letter to Capt. S. By an inhabitant of Congleton. Dedicated, by permission, to Sir Richard Hill, Bart., M.P. The second edition. Davis , Jane
1799 The second edition.