Name Memoirs

Record, memory, experience, account, apology, or history about one’s own life or another’s. Works in this category are often derived from the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 301–325 of 368

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
16032 The Happy Family or Memoirs of Mr. & Mrs. Norton. Intended to Shew the Delightful Effects of Filial Obedience. Kilner , Mary Ann
19606 The invisible monitor; or, Memoirs of the D'Alvara family. By Mrs. Shephard. Shephard , Mrs.
Conrad Seyfert (Philadelphia)
16062 The Journals of Madam Knight, and Rev. Mr. Buckingham. From the Original Manuscripts, Written in 1704 & 1710. Knight , Sarah Kemble
Buckingham , Thomas
Wilder & Campbell (New York)
6443 The last dying speeches, &c. of those inhuman murderers, Mary Knott, for the murder of a French emigrant nobleman, ... Richard Ludman, for the murder of George Hebner, ... and Eleanor Hughes who were executed this morning. With a copy of a letter sent by Richard Ludman, to his parents, the night before his execution. Knott , Mary
s.n. [sine nomine]
3374 The last dying words and confession of Elizabeth Johnson, who was executed at Tyburn near York, on Saturday the 23d of August 1800, for uttering a forged pound note, purporting to be drawn by the Governor of the Company of the Bank of England; also, for uttering two counterfeit half-guineas, and also for having in her possession other forged notes, counterfeit half-guineas, and seven shilling pieces. Johnson , Elizabeth
Samuel Tupman [Long Row] (Nottingham)
1537 The last speech, confession and dying words of Agnes White, who was executed at Glasgow on Wednesday the 22d of May 1793, and her body given to the doctor to be dissected, for the murder of her own child of five months old. White , Agnes
6647 The life and memoirs of the late Miss Ann Catley, the celebrated actress: with biographical sketches of Sir Francis Blake Delaval, and the Hon. Isabella Pawlet, Daughter to the Earl of Thanet. By Miss Ambross. Ambross , Miss
John Bird (Cardiff)
12966 The life and surprising adventures of Mary Ann Talbot, in the name of John Taylor, a natural daughter of the late Earl Talbot; Comprehending an Account of her extraordinary Adventures in the Character of Foot-Boy, Drummer, Cabin-Boy, and Sailor. Also of her many very narrow Escapes in different Engagements, while in the Land and Sea Services, and of the Hardships which she suffered while under cure of the Wounds received in the Engagement under Lord Howe, June 1, 1794, &c. &c. &c. Related by herself. Talbot , Mary Ann
Ralph Smith Kirby (London)
21159 The life of Abel Burke, who died in Philadelphia, January 27th 1817. Containing an account of his conversion, call to the ministry, and of his journeys, and labours of love, in preaching the Gospel freely, in obedience to Bishop Jesus, the Son of God. Written by himself. To which is added, an account of his patient sufferings in his last afflictions, and of his truly happy and triumphant death. Burke , Abel
Johnson , Ann
Frederic Plummer (Philadelphia)
2650 The life of Jane de St. Remy de Valois, heretofore Countess de la Motte. containing a circumstantial and exact Detail of the many extraordinary Events which have attended this unfortunate Lady from her Birth, and contributed to raise her to the Dignity of Confidante and Favorite of the Queen of France; Some further particulars relative to the Mysterious Transaction of the diamond necklace; Her Trial, Condemnation, and Imprisonment in the Salpetriere; her almost miraculous Escape from thence: with many curious and interesting Particulars of her Journey through several Provinces of France, under different Disguises: Also, an address to the National Assembly, supplicating a new trial. Written by herself. In two volumes. de Valois-Saint-Rémy , Jeanne
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
John Rice [2 College Green] (Dublin)
5055 The life of Lady Guion, written by herself in French, now abridged, and translated into English, Exhibiting her eminent Piety, Charity, Meekness, Fortitude and Stability; her Labours, Travels, Sufferings and Services, for the Conversion of souls to God; and her great Success, in some Places, in that best of all employments on the earth. To which are added, remarkable accounts of the lives of worthy persons, whose memories are dear to Lady Guion. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
3640 The life of Mrs. Gooch. Written by herself. Dedicated to the public. In three volumes. Gooch , Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real
4445 The life of Mrs. Robertson, (a tale of truth as well as of sorrow) who, though a grand-daughter of Charles II. has been reduced, by a Variety of Very Uncommon Events, From splendid Affluence to the greatest poverty. And, After Having Buried Nine Children, is Obliged, At the age of Sixty-Seven, To earn a scanty Maintenance for herself and two Orphan Grand-Children, By teaching Embroidery, Filligree, and the Art of making Artificial Flowers. Robertson , Hannah
4435 The life of Mrs. Robertson, grand-daughter of Charles II. Written by herself. A Tale of Truth as Well as of Sorrow. Robertson , Hannah
15038 The life of Petrarch. Collected from Memoires pour la vie de Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson. In two volumes. The fourth edition, embellished with eight copper-plates, designed by Kirk, and engraved by Ridley. Sade , Jacques-François-Paul-Aldonce de
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
John Cuthell [1811-1828] (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
John Walker II [20 Paternoster Row] (London)
William Otridge and Son (London)
James Nunn (London)
Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] (London)
1799 The Fourth Edition.
893 The Life of William Hutton: including a particular account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791. To which is subjoined, the History of his Family; written by himself, and published by his Daughter, C. Hutton Hutton , William
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
Beilby and Knotts (Birmingham)
14129 The life, voyages, and surprising adventures, of Mary Jane Meadows, a woman of uncommon talents, spirit and resolution, who, after experiencing a Series of extraordinary Changes in Life, from the highest Splendour and Affluence, to the most abject Distress and Poverty; at last shipped herself for India, in the unfortunate Grosvenor, and was cast away on the dreary Coast of Africa; where, after travelling through vast Deserts and the Kingdom of Caffraria in the most imminent danger, arrived on the borders of the South Sea, where she was again cast away upon an uninhabited Island, and lived intirely by herself for several Years. Written by her own hand. Meadows , Mary Jane
Ann Lemoine (London)
15732 The Man of Pleasure; or, Memoirs of Will M. Wilding, Written by Himself. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
13596 The Man of Pleasure; or, Memoirs of Willm. Wilding, Esq. Written by Himself. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
24807 The Man of Pleasure; or, Memoirs of Willm. Wilding, Esq. Written by Himself. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
14003 The Memoirs of a Protestant, Condemned to the Galleys of France, For His Religion. Written by Himself. Comprehending an Account of the various Distresses he Suffered in Slavery; and his Constancy in Supporting almost every Cruelty that bigotted Zeal could inflict or Human Nature sustain; also a Description of the Galleys, and the Service in which they are employed. The Whole interspersed with Anecdotes relative to the General History of the Times, for a Period of Thirteen Years; during which the Author continued in Slavery, 'till he was at last set free, at the Intercession of the Court of Great Britain. In Two Volumes. Translated from the Original, just published at the Hague, by James Willington. Marteilhe , Jean
Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] (Dublin)
2373 The memoirs of Mrs. Catherine Jemmat, ... written by herself. ... Jemmat , Catherine
2364 The memoirs of Mrs. Catherine Jemmat, daughter of the late admiral Yeo of Plymouth. Written by herself. Second Edition Jemmat , Catherine
2384 The memoirs of Mrs. Catherine Jemmat, daughter of the late admiral Yeo of Plymouth. Written by herself. Second edition. Jemmat , Catherine
s.n. [sine nomine]
1772 Second Edition.
2410 The memoirs of Mrs. Catherine Jemmat, daughter of the late Admiral Yeo, of Plymouth, written by herself. The Second Edition. Jemmat , Catherine
1765 The Second Edition.