Name Memoirs

Record, memory, experience, account, apology, or history about one’s own life or another’s. Works in this category are often derived from the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 326–350 of 368

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
5591 The memoirs of Mrs. Lætitia Pilkington, wife to the Rev. Mr. Matt. Pilkington. Written by Herself. Wherein are occasionally interspersed, all her poems, with anecdotes of several eminent persons, living and dead. In three volumes. Pilkington , Laetitia
24286 The memoirs of Mrs. Lætitia Pilkington, wife to the Rev. Mr. Matth. Pilkington. Written by herself. Wherein are occasionally interspersed, all her poems, with anecdotes of several eminent persons, living and dead. In two volumes. Pilkington , Laetitia
459 The Memoirs of Mrs. Mary Ann Radcliffe: in Familiar Letters to Her Female Friend Radcliffe , Mary Ann
3341 The memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, late of Drury Lane Theatre. By Mrs. Elizabeth Steele. In six volumes. Steele , Elizabeth
3277 The memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, late of Drury-Lane Theatre. By Mrs. Elizabeth Steele. A new edition. In six volumes. Steele , Elizabeth
1787 new
3276 The memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley. Late of Drury-Lane Theatre. By Mrs. Elizabeth Steele. In three volumes. Steele , Elizabeth
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Thomas Walker (Dublin)
Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] (Dublin)
William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street] (Dublin)
William Sleater I [North Strand] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
Bernard Dornin [College Green] (Dublin)
John Parker (Dublin)
William Porter [Skinner Row] (Dublin)
John Exshaw II [98 Grafton Street] (Dublin)
William Colles [17 New Buildings, Dame Street] (Dublin)
Luke White [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Henry Whitestone [Dame Street] (Dublin)
8266 The Memoirs Of Ninon De L'Enclos: With her Letters to Mons. De St. Evremond, And To The Marquis de Sevigné. Collected and Translated from the French, By Mrs. Griffith. In Two Volumes. Griffith , Elizabeth
John Beatty [Skinner Row] (Dublin)
17627 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Graham , Isabella
Bethune , Divie
17629 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Third Edition. Graham , Isabella
Bethune , Divie
Mason , John Mitchell
Kirk and Mercein (New York City)
1819 Third Edition.
17631 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Fifth Edition. Graham , Isabella
Bethune , Divie
Mason , John Mitchell
Kirk and Mercein (New York City)
1819 Fifth Edition.
17630 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Fourth Edition. Graham , Isabella
Bethune , Divie
Mason , John Mitchell
Kirk and Mercein (New York City)
1819 Fourth Edition.
17628 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Second Edition. Graham , Isabella
Bethune , Divie
Mason , John Mitchell
Kirk and Mercein (New York City)
1817 Second Edition
16804 The private journal of Madame Campan, comprising original anecdotes of the French Court; selections from her correspondence, thoughts on education, &c. &c. Edited by M. Maigne. Campan , Jeanne Louise Henriette
Abraham Small (Philadelphia)
6474 The reform'd coquet; or, memoirs of Amoranda. A novel. By Mrs. Davys, author of The humours of York. The seventh edition. Davys , Mary
Mary Cooper (London)
George Woodfall [Charing Cross] (London)
William Cater (London)
1760 The seventh edition.
6341 The reform'd coquet: or, memoirs of Amoranda. A surprizing novel. By Mrs. Davys. Davys , Mary
John Murphy (Dublin)
Benjamin Gunn (also Gunne) (Dublin)
317 The Right Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard, the Good Knight without Fear and without Reproach by The Loyal Servant. de Mailles , Jacques
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
16805 The sayings of Mrs. Ann Campbell immediately previous to her death, taken verbatim, as she uttered them. Campbell , Ann
Rush , Benjamin
16233 The Signs of the Times. Sarah Anne Craft, of Redstone, Fayette County, Penn. Daughter of Geo. B. Craft, and Elizabeth his Wife, Being Desirous of Satisfying her Friends and Acquaintances, Who Often Requested the Publication of Mrs. Lynch's Experience. It is Now Presented in This Work, as Fully as, Perhaps, her Own Mind Could Indite. Together With a Number of Poetical Productions From the Meditations of George B. Craft Craft , George B.
Craft , Sarah Anne
6994 The south Sea fortune, or the chaplain advanced to the saddle. Containing the genuine private memoirs of a worthy family in Gloucestershire, from the fatal year 1720, to the year 1748. Written by Mrs. Richwould, one of the most interested parties. Richwould , Mrs. Mary
John Wren (London)
24567 The soveraignty and goodness of God, together with the faithfulness of his promises displayed: being a narrative of the captivity and restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. Commended by her, to all that desire to know the Lords doings to, & dealings with her; especially to her dear children and relations. Written by her own hand, for her private use, and now made publick at the earnest desire of some friends, and for the benefit of the afflicted. The second edition. Carefully corrected, and purged from abundance of errors which escaped in the former impression. Rowlandson , Mary White
Samuel Phillips [King-Street] (Boston)
1720 The second edition. Carefully corrected, and purged from abundance of errors which escaped in the former impression.
1176 The Stolen Boy, a Story Founded on Facts. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of The Clergyman's Widow; the Sisters; Blind Farmer Barbadoes Girl; Panorama of Europe; Young Crusoe Young Northern Traveler; Good Grandmother; Affectionate Brothers; Daughter-in-Law; Merchant's Widow; &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
6700 The strange and wonderful history and prophecies of Mother Shipton, with an account of her birth, death, and funeral. Southeil , Ursula
18989 The surprising adventures of Almira Paul, a young woman, who, garbed as a male, has for three of the last preceding years actually served as a common sailor, on board of English and American armed vessels, without a discovery of her sex being made. : In 1812 (at 22 years of age) she shipped at Halifax, by the name of Jack Brown, as cook's mate, on board the revenue cutter--since which, she has been in active service on board a number of English privateers and ships of war &c.--once on board an Algerine corsair--and once on board the American ship Macedonian.--Has been in many engagements, and was once severely wounded. : The said Almira Paul is now in Boston--and in presenting the public with the particulars of her curious adventures, they may rest assured that we present them with facts, confirmed by a number of respectable gentlemen, now in this town. Paul , Almira
Nathaniel Coverly Jr. (Boston)
18990 The surprising adventures of Almira Paul, a young woman, who, garbed as a male, has for three of the last preceeding years actually served as a common sailor, on board of English and American armed vessels without a discovery of her sex being made. : In 1818 (at 22 years of age) she shipped at Halifax, by the name of Jack Brown, as cook's mate, on board the revenue cutter--since which, she has been in active service on board a number of English privateers and ships of war, &c.--Once on board an Algerine corsair--and once on board the American ship Macedonian.--Has been in many engagements, and was once severely wounded. : The said Almira Paul is now in Boston--and in presenting the public with the particulars of her current adventure, they may rest assured that we present them with facts, confirmed by a number of respectable gentlemen now in this town Paul , Almira
M. Brewster (Boston)
5590 The third and last volume of the memoirs of Mrs. Lætitia Pilkington, Written by herself. Wherein are occasionally interspersed, variety of poems: as also the letters of several persons of distinction, with the conclusive part of the life of the inimitable Dean Swift. Pilkington , Laetitia
s.n. [sine nomine]