Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 376–400 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1104 A Word to the Wise; or A Call to the Nation, that They may know the Days of their Visitation from the Prophecies that are given to Joanna Southcott, with the reasons assigned why the Spirit of Prophecy is given to a Woman; and which is explained from the Scriptures in the Following Pages. Joanna Southcott. Southcott , Joanna
24630 Abermahlige treue Warnung und Vermahnung an meine sehr werthe und theuer geschätzte Reformirte Glaubens-Verwandte wie auch alle andere, die den Herren Jesum lieb haben, sein Heil. Evangelium und seine Heil. Sacramenten in höchstem Werth halten. Boehm , John Philip
23746 Absolute predestination not scriptural: or some queries upon a doctrine which I heard preach'd 1674. to a people call'd Independents, at Cockermouth in Cumberland, viz. That the Covenant and Decree were made between God and Christ from Eternity, concerning Man's Predestination, or Election; and that those whom God was pleas'd to make Choice of then, must be Sav'd, Man having no Hand therein. The plain Consequence of which doctrine is, That those who were not then Elected, cannot possibly be Sav'd; but by an Absolute Decree of Reprobation, or Non-Election, must unavoidably perish, notwithstanding all that Christ hath Done and Suffer'd, and is doing by his Grace and Holy Spirit for the Salvation of Mankind. By Jane Fearon. Fearon , Jane
23747 Absolute predestination not scriptural: or some queries upon a doctrine which I heard preach'd, 1704. to a people call'd Independents, at Cockermouth in Cumberland, viz. That the Covenant and Decree were made between God and Christ from Eternity, concerning Man's Predestination, or Election; and that those whom God was pleas'd to make Choice of then, must be sav'd; Man having no Hand therein. The plain Consequence of which Doctrine is, That those who were not then Elected, cannot possibly be sav'd; but by an Absolute Decree of Reprobation, or Non-Election, must unavoidably perish, notwithstanding all that Christ hath done and suffer'd, and is doing by his Grace and Holy Spirit, for the Salvation of Mankind. By Jane Fearon. Fearon , Jane
21269 Account of Hannah Beech. By The Rev. John Eyton, A. M. Rector of Eyton and Vicar of Wellington, Salop. Eyton , John
Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street] (Philadelphia)
14436 Account of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. To which are subjoined, the standing rules and orders; a catalogue of the books dispersed by the Society; and other documents. 1812
21589 Acts and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, A.D. 1789. In the thirteenth year of the independence of the United States. 1803
21590 Acts and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, A.D. 1794. 1803
21591 Acts and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, May 16th, 1799. 1803
21782 Acts and Proceedings of the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia. A.D. 1787, & 1788. 1803
814 Addresses, With Prayers and Original Hymns, for the Use of Families and Schools Martineau , Harriet
Rowland Hunter (London)
Simon Wilkin (Norwich)
25029 Advice to communicants, for necessary preparation, and profitable improvement of the great and comfortable ordinance of the Lord’s Supper: that therein true spiritual communion with Christ may be obtained, and the eternal enjoyment of God sealed. By Robert Craghead Minister of the Gospel in L. Derry. Craghead , Robert
25475 Alkibla. Part II. Or, the disquisition upon worshiping towards the east continued from the Primitive to the Present Times: with a serious and impartial Examination of the Reasons assigned for the Practice by our Modern Divines: in order to obviate Superstition in our Publick Devotion, to remove from it all Party-Distinction and unnecessary Objections, and to assert the Principles of the Reformation; by reducing the Ceremonies of Churchmen to the Standard of the Church. To which are prefix'd Some Thoughts by way of Preface concerning the proper Use of Ridicule in Controversies stil'd Religious. Asplin , William
18502 An abridgment of Milner's Church history for the use of schools and private families. By Rebecca Eaton. Milner , Joseph
Eaton , Rebecca
14433 An abridgment of scripture history: consisting of lessons selected from the Old Testament, for the use of schools and families. By Mrs. Trimmer. New edition. Trimmer , Sarah
Charles, John, George and Francis Rivington (London)
1830 New edition.
22628 An account of a case between Canon Richard Eyre, and Elizabeth Swanton. Together with a vindication of the same from the malice and aspersions of the said Canon Eyre. Swanton , Elizabeth
Swanton , William
24600 An account of some spiritual experiences and rapturous and pious expressions of Elisabeth Mixer, daughter of Deacon John Mixer and Abigail Mixer, (all now dwelling in Suffield,) on June 28, MDCCXX, and at sundry other times experienced and expressed by her. Together, wit the relation she gave of what God had done for her soul, in order to her admission into the Church of Christ in Ashford. With a preface by the Rd. Mr. James Hale. Mixer , Elisabeth
3265 An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kacheky in New-England, Who, with four of her children and servant maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. setting forth the various remarkable occurrences,-sore trials, and wonderful deliverances, which befel them after their departure to the time of their redemption. A new edition. Taken in substance from her own month. By Samuel Bownas. To which is added, the great audit; or, Good Steward. Being some necessary and important considerations, to be considered or by all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of the late worthy and renowned Sir Matthew Hale. And therein his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the spirit of God. Hanson , Elizabeth
Hale , Matthew
1791 new
22095 An account of the conduct of the Dowager Dutchess of Marlborough, from her first coming to court, to the year 1710. In a letter from herself to My Lord - Churchill , Sarah
Hooke , Nathaniel
William Smith II [Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Smith [Blind Quay] (Dublin)
George Faulkner I [Essex Street] (Dublin)
16856 An account of the conduct of the people called Shakers: in the case of Eunice Chapman and her children, since her husband became acquainted with that people, and joined their society. Written by herself. Chapman , Eunice
16857 An account of the conduct of the Shakers, in the case of Eunice Chapman & her children written by herself. Also, a refutation of the Shakers' remonstrance to the proceedings of the legislature of New-York, in 1817, by Thomas Brown. To which are added, the deposition of Mary Dyer, who petitioned the legislature of the state of New-Hampshire, for relief in a similar case. Also, depositions of others who have been members of the Shaker society. Also, the proceedings of the legislature of the state of New-York, in the case of Eunice Chapman Chapman , Eunice
Brown , Thomas
Dyer , Mary Marshall
Van Fleet & Camron (Lebanon)
5697 An account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas, late of Leek, in Staffordshire. Lucas , Margaret
1797 Second Edition.
5698 An account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas, late of Leek, in Staffordshire. Lucas , Margaret
18333 An account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas, late of Leek, in Staffordshire. Lucas , Margaret
Henry and John F. Hull (Stanford)
7302 An account of the establishment of sunday schools in Old Brentford: extracted from the oeconomy of charity. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)