Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 351–375 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
20640 A tender address, to the young and rising generation, of both sexes, with desires that it may prove a blessing to them. Written some years since, by a young female of the Society of Friends in England. ; To which is added, sundry small poems Unknown , [Woman]
Daniel Cooledge (Concord)
25694 A third letter to the reverend the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist Board: occasioned by their uncharitable, as well as false insinuations, concerning the author's application to the Quakers, and his Attempts of Conformity to The National Church. In which likewise are to be found, his reasons for making a tour to Paris, and his leaving The Congregation at Devonshire Square after his return. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. Rudd , Sayer
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Noon (London)
21372 A Token for Children. Being An exact account of the Conversion, Holy and exemplary Lives, and joyful Deaths of Several Young Children. In two parts. By James Janeway, Minister of the Gospel. To which is added Some choice Sayings of Dying Saints, Janeway , James
7407 A token for youth: or, Instruction to children. Being the life and Christian experience of the wonderful workings of the spirit of God on Cartaret Rede, from her infancy to her last moments, as it was faithfully taken from her own mouth, by a paritcular friend. Lately published by one who was witness to the truth of the facts recorded. Rede , Sarah
2159 A treatise on justification: showing the matter, manner, time, and effects of it. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Dutton, Late Minister in London, and Author of the Discourse on the New-Birth, and Religious Letters. The third edition. Dutton , Anne
Archibald Coubrough (Glasgow)
1778 The third edition.
21781 A treatise on the divine Trinity, together with an account of wonderful things seen in the spiritual world. Extracted from The true Christian religion, containing The universal theology of the New Church. By Emanuel Swedenborg, servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Swedenborg , Emanuel
William Schlatter (Philadelphia)
25524 A treatise upon the creed, commonly call'd, the Athanasian creed. Consisting of three parts. The first, shewing the conformity of that creed, ... Place , Conyers
25824 A true account of the doctrine of Christ, and of the primitive church, with respect to the Eucharist. Occasion'd by a conference with the author, attack'd by a Romish priest, and continu'd by letters. ... Also occasionally shewing the inconsistency of a late sacramentarian piece (call'd, A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper) ... Between Humphrey Clayton, ... and A. B. ... The second edition, with an additional supplement. Clayton , Humfrey
1737 The second edition, with an additional supplement.
25742 A true and impartial inquiry made into the late bloody execution at Thorn: or, a challenge to the Jesuits to Answer it; And A Certain Rule and Safe Method for the Poor and Unlearned to Examine their Religion by, and to find their Way to Heaven: Also a modest Vindication of some Tenets held by the People commonly call'd Quakers. To which is Added, An Answer to some Reflections made by a Roman Catholick on the True and Impartial Enquiry, &c. By Sir Richard Cocks. Cocks , Richard
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25016 A true system of religion, according to the best astronomical observations. By Phil. Alethson, A.C.S. S. , J.
16289 A View of Religions, in Two Parts. Part I. Containing an Alphabetical Compedium of the Various Religious Denominations, Which Have Appeared in the World, from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Present Day. Part II. Containing a Brief Account of the Different Schemes of Religion Now Embraced Among Mankind. The Whole Collected From the Best Authors, Ancient and Modern. By Hannah Adams, Author of "A Summary History of New-England, from its First Settlement at Plymouth, to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution." The Third Edition, with Large Additions. Published according to Act of Congress. Adams , Hannah
William Manning and James Loring (Boston)
1801 The Third Edition, with Large Additions.
16290 A view of religions, in two parts. Part I. Containing an alphabetical compendium of the various religious denominations, which have appeared in the world, from the beginning of the Christian era to the present day. Part II. Containing a brief account of the different schemes of religion now embraced among mankind. The whole collected from the best authors, ancient and modern. By Hannah Adams. The second edition, with large additions. Adams , Hannah
1791 The second edition, with large additions.
26213 A View of the general tenour of The New Testament regarding the nature and dignity of Jesus Christ; including a collection of the various passages in the gospels, acts of the apostles, and the epistles, which relate to that subject. By Joanna Baillie. Baillie , Joanna
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
25650 A vindication of Dr. Snape, in answer to several libels lately publish'd against him. With some further remarks on the Bishop of Bangor's sermon: By which it will plainly appear who is the truest Friend to the Church, the Bishop or the Doctor. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
25541 A vindication of plain-dealing, from the base and malicious aspersions of two country curates, contain'd in a little scurrilous pamphlet entitled, Plain-Dealing proved to be plain-lying. Owen , Charles
Emanuel Matthews (London)
4820 A vindication of speaking openly in favour of important truths, especially those respecting the divine unity. Toulmin , Jane
Jane Toulmin (Taunton)
25230 A vindication of the Protestant Dissenters, from the aspersions cast upon them, in a late pamphlet, intitled, The Presbyterians plea of merit, in order to take off the test, impartially examined. To which are added, some remarks upon a paper, called, The Correspondent. Containing: A pretended Narrative of the Attempts the Dissenters in Ireland, have made for procuring the Repeal of the Test. Unknown ,
G. F.
25880 A vindication of the Reverend Dr. Snape and Dr. Sherlock; against Mr. Meadowcourt's attempts, to calumniate and defame those gentlemen in a sermon preach'd at Oxford, Entitled, The sinful Causes, and fatal Effects of the Practice of Calumny and Defamation in Religious Controversy; Exemplify'd and Described. By a member of the antient Society of Free-Masons. With a postscript relating to Dr. Sherlock's complaint against the sermon. Unknown ,
19026 A Vision of Heaven & Hell. Phillips , Ann
Joseph Dix (Barnard)
22302 A visitation of love, in the good-will of God; to the professors of the holy truth: containing, lamentation over, and warning to backsliders and unfaithful. By Eleanor Haydock, Junior. Haydock [Junior] , Eleanor
22873 A warning of the eternal spirit, pronounc'd at Bristol, by the mouth of Mary Beer, March 18. 1711 Beer , Mary
25151 A warning to Great-Britain, in a sermon preach'd at several churches in and about London, upon the spreading of the plague in France, and now Publish'd for the Benefit of others. To which is added an Appendix, Containing An Historical Account of all the remarkable Plagues, Pestilences and Famines thro the World, from the beginning to this time; with a large and particular Description of that at Marseilles and other Cities of France, and several curious and useful Remarks upon them. A Thing never yet attempted by any Hand. The whole is ended with Pope Gregory's Sermon, preach'd at Rome in the year 590, when a Pestilence destroy'd most of the Citizens. By James Paterson A.M. Paterson , James
7581 A word of advice and warning to handicrafts-men, labourers, carmen, coachmen, chairmen, &c. ... Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
7597 A word of advice and warning. To handicrafts-men, labourers, sea-men, fisher-men, &c. You my Friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, and sweat of your brows, and who by the pressing necessities of your families, are call'd to a diligent attendance on your employments, and for this reason perhaps may apprehend you are in some sort excused from devoting any part of your time to the service of God, and the care of your souls; ... Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
24829 A Word of Comfort to Weak Believers, in Fifteen Letters from the Late Rev. Thomas Jones, Of St. Saviours, Southwark. Addressed to Mr. B—, In a Season Of Darkness And Temptation. Written in the Years 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759. Jones , Thomas
S. Hazard (Bath)