Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 326–350 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
5414 A sermon, Preached in a Parish Church in Norfolk, By a Friend, on February 27, 1778, being the day appointed for a general fast, and written by a lady. The second edition. Unknown , [Woman]
1778 The second edition.
5494 A sermon, Preached in his Parish Church By a friend, on February 27, 1778, being the day appointed for a general fast, and written by a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
24603 A sermon, shewing, that eternal life is God's free gift, bestowed upon men according to their moral behaviour. And that free grace and free will concur, in the affair of man's salvation. By John Beach, A.M. Beach , John
14567 A short account of the late application to parliament made by the merchants of London upon the neglect of their trade: with the substance of the evidence thereupon as sum'd up by Mr. Glover. The fourth edition. Glover , Mr.
1742 The fourth edition.
23101 A short and easie method of prayer, Which every one may learn and practice with great facility, and thereby arrive, in a little time, to high degrees of Christian Perfection. Singularly useful to all Persons who seek God in Sincerity. By Madam Guion. To which are added, two letters written by F. Falconi and Fr. de Sales on the same subject. Done out of French. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
Ralph Simpson [Sympson] (London)
John Nutt (London)
23110 A short and easie method of prayer, which every one may learn and practise with great facility, and thereby arrive, in a little time, to high degrees of Christian perfection. Singularly useful to all persons who seek God in sincerity. With two letters written by F. Falconi and Fr. De Sales on the same subject. By Madam Guion. Done out of French. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
Joseph Downing (London)
17693 A short and easy method of prayer: by the truly pious Lady Guion. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
Brook Watson Sower & Co. (Baltimore)
5058 A short and easy method of prayer. Translated from the French of Madam J.M.B. de la Mothe Guion, by Thomas Digby Brooke. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
James Phillips (London)
John Wallis [Ludgate Street] (London)
John Wallis and C. Stonehouse (London)
5053 A short and easy method of prayer. Translated from the French of Madam J.M.B. De La Mothe Guion. By Thomas Digby Brooke. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
7600 A short appeal to men and women of reason; distinguished by titles of worldly honour; or by riches exclusive of titles: who may be walking according to the course of this evil world, living in the pleasures thereof, and frequenting theatres, balls, &c. By S. H. Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
7574 A short appeal to men and women of reason; Distinguished by Titles of worldly Honour; or by Riches exclusive of Titles: who may be walking according to the course of this evil world, living in the pleasures thereof, and frequenting theatres, balls,&e. By S. H. Hume , Sophia
2822 A short journal of the labours and travels in the work of the ministry, of that faithful servant of Christ, Deborah Bell. Bell , Deborah
2824 A short journal of the labours and travels in the work of the ministry, of that faithful servant of Christ, Deborah Bell. Bell , Deborah
17445 A short narrative of the sickness, religious exercises, and death of Sally Fuller, of Sandisfield, (Mass.) who died June 3d, 1812, in the 17th year of her age. Together with a poem on her death. By a female friend. Unknown , [Woman]
Benjamin Cole (Brattleboro)
24834 A Short View of the Whole Scripture History: With a Continuation of the Jewish Affairs from the Old Testament, till the Time of Christ; and An Account of the chief Prophecies that relate to Him: Represented in a Way of Question and Answer. Illustrated with Various Remarks on the History and the Religion of the Patriarchs, Jews, and Christians, and on the Laws, Government, Sects, Customs, and Writings of the Jews; and adorned with Figures relating to their Camp, Tabernacle, and Worship. By I. Watts, D.D. The Eighteenth Edition. Watts , Isaac
Charles Dilly (London)
William, James and John Richardson (Cornhill)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
George Wilkie [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
David Ogilvy and Son (London)
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
Maria Pote and John Williams Junior (London)
Lee and Hurst (London)
Thomas Wiche (London)
1798 The Eighteenth Edition.
511 A Sister's Gift; Consisting of Conversations on Sacred Subjects, intended for the Instruction and Amusement of the younger Branches of her family on Sundays. Manning , Anne
Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis (London)
18414 A sketch of my friend's family, intended to suggest some practical hints on religion and domestic manners. By Mrs. Marshall, author of Henwick tales. Third edition. Marshall , Elizabeth
Charles Ewer (Boston)
1819 Third Edition.
24491 A speech made in the House of Commons, by Richard Hampden Esq; on Tuesday the 24th of April, 1716. at the second reading of the Bill for enlarging the time for continuance of Parliaments, &c. Hampden , Richard
Sarah Popping (London)
20353 A statement, of the difficulty that subsisted between the Church of Christ in New-Marlborough, and Elizabeth Warner, member of said church. In which is a record of the votes of the church, their communications to her, and her letters to the church; and her remarks on the whole of the transactions of the church, and of her own conduct, together with her final excommunication. By Elizabeth Warner. Warner , Elizabeth
4485 A summary of Christian faith. Apprehending it my duty, when called upon, to give an answer or account of the substance of my faith, as a Christian, I believe it proper to commit the same to writing. Barnard , Hannah
21790 A summary view of God's gracious covenant with Abraham and his seed;-- of the right and design of the baptism of infants;-- and of the mode of baptism. In four discourses. By Caleb J. Tenney, A. M. Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Newport. Tenney , Caleb Jewett
16520 A summer's walk, to view the beauties of nature. Extracted from Mrs. Barbauld's Hymns in prose. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
16521 A Summer's Walk, to Wiew the Beauties of Nature. Extracted from Mrs. Barbauld's Hymns in Prose. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
4068 A Sunday reading. The grand assizes; or, General gaol delivery. To which is aded, the day of judgment; or The grand reckoning. More , Hannah
26090 A supplement to the new version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate; containing the Psalms in particular measures; the usual hymns, Creed, Lord's Prayers, Ten Commandments, for the Holy Sacraments, &c. with Gloria Patr's, and Tunes (Treble and Bass) proper to each of them, and all the rest of the Psalms. The seventh edition, corrected. With the addition of plain instructions for all those who are desirous to learn or Improve themselves in Psalmody; near Thirty new tunes, composed by several of the best masters; and a Table of Psalms suited to Feasts and Fasts of the Church, &c. With Tables of all the Psalms of New, Old, and Dr. Patrick's Versions, directing what Tunes are fitted for each Psalm. The whole being a compleat psalmody. Useful for teachers and Learners of either Version. Unknown ,
1717 The seventh edition, corrected.