Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 476–500 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
24980 An Impartial Enquiry into the Moral Character of Jesus Christ: Wherein he is Considered as a Philosopher. In a Letter to a Friend. Turnbull , George
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
18056 An interesting correspondence between the Rev. John Johnson Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, in Newburgh, state of New-York, and Miss Elizabeth Jones, relative to the change in her opinions, which occasioned her dismissal from his church. Jones , Elizabeth
Johnston , John
12987 An interlineary translation of Barbauld's 'Hymnes en prose.' Designed to assist young children in acquiring a vocabulary of the French language. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
5207 An introduction to the reading of the Holy Bible. Mayne , Frances
Joseph Johnson (London)
10517 An introduction to the reading of the Holy Bible. Mayne , Frances
Robert Main (London)
5457 An introduction to the reading of the Holy Bible. By a lady. Mayne , Frances
Francis Knight (London)
5482 An introduction to the reading of the Holy Bible. By a lady. Mayne , Frances
Francis Knight (London)
5836 Antinomianism unmasked and refuted; and the moral law proved from the scriptures of the Old and New-Testament, To be still in full Force as the rule of the Christian's conduct. By Maria De Fleury. de Fleury , Maria
824 Asaph, or the Herrnhutters; being a rhythmical Sketch of the principal Events, and most remarkable Institutions in the modern History of the Church of the Unitas Fratrum, commonly called Moravians; and consisting of Three supposed Conversations between a Modern Unbeliever and some Members of the celebrated Moravian Settlement at Zeist, near Utrecht. Intended chiefly for young Persons connected with that Church. By one of its Members. Schimmelpenninck , Mary Anne
Ogle, Duncan, and Co. (London)
21771 At a numerous meeting of the pewholders of St. Mary's Church, held March 31st, 1814, the following address was adopted and ordered to be distributed among the congregation. 1814
22479 Athenae redivivae: or, the new Athenian oracle, under three general heads, viz. the divine, philosophick, and secret oracle. The whole resolving such nice and curious questions in divinity, history, philosophy, law, physick, trade, mathematics, love, poetry, &c. Vol. I. Part IV. To be continued in this method till the question-project is compleated. Sarah Malthus (London)
13458 Barbauld's Hymns in prose for children; calculated to impress the infant mind with early devotion. Embellished with neat engravings on wood. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Thomas Oliver and George Boyd [High Street] (Edinburgh)
4128 Bear ye one another's burthens; or, The valley of tears : A vision More , Hannah
4129 Bear ye one another's burthens; or, The valley of tears : A vision More , Hannah
25437 Beelzebub; or, The Quakers bubble, their that within them; apparent in their devilish schism, heresies, blasphemy, denial of the Trinity, of Gospel-ordinances, our Saviour's own institution of baptism and the Lord's Supper ... urged against them in some epistolary intercourses, and laid here before the reader in the same. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
4332 Betty Brown, the St. Giles orange girl: with some account of Mrs. Sponge, the money-lender More , Hannah
15940 Beyspiele mürkwürdiger Bekehrungen in der Geschichte des Barons von Dyherrn, und der Johanna Cisch: erstere is durch einen Prediger in Frankfurth beschrieben; letztere aber von ihr selbst aufgezeichnet. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt, und auf Kosten des Liebhabers dem Druck übergeben Cish , Jane
Fresenius , Johann Philipp
12049 Bible in Miniature. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
12046 Bible in Miniuture. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
12047 Bible in Miniuture. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
12048 Bible in Miniuture. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
11052 Bible Rhymes, on the Names of All the Books of the Old and New Testament: With Allusions to Some of the Principal Incidents and Characters. By Hannah More. More , Hannah
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
11638 Bible Sketches, in Verse and Prose. With Reflections on Each Subject Unknown ,
Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis (London)
19351 Biblical dialogues between a father and his family: comprising sacred history, from the Creation to the death of our Saviour Christ. The lives of the apostles, and the promulgation of the Gospel; with a sketch of the history of the church down to the Reformation. The whole carried on in conjunction with Profane History. In two volumes. By Susanna Rowson. Rowson , Susanna
Richardson & Lord (Boston)
419 Biblical Fragments Schimmelpenninck , Mary Anne