Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 451–475 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14708 An essay on the resurrection of Christ; in which proofs of the fact are adduced, its import is explained, and its beneficial influence illustrated. By James Dore. Dore , James
Martha Gurney (London)
William Button I (London)
25350 An essay to prove women have no souls. Compos'd of several arguments publish'd by S. Clarke, D. D. Rector of St. James's Westminster. Unknown ,
25514 An essay upon the nature of a church, and the extent of ecclesiastical authority. By a Lay-Man of the Church of England. Unknown , [Man]
Thomas Hammond II (York)
4033 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By Hannah More. The fifth edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1793 The fifth edition.
4036 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
4312 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. The fourth edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1791 The fourth edition.
4057 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. The second edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1791 The second edition.
4034 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. The third edition. More , Hannah
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
John Rice [5 College Green] (Dublin)
George Draper (Dublin)
Randal McAllister [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Arthur Grueber [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Jones [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
R. White [Dublin] (Dublin)
1791 The third edition.
4035 An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. The third edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1791 The third edition.
6213 An exhortation or warning to the inhabitants of Woodbridge, and the villages adjacent, by a well-wisher. Many are the faithful warnings, which, through the mercies of God, have been handed down to us in the various ages of the world, by men inspired to communicate what their eyes had seen, their ears heard, and their hands handled, of the good word of God. ... Maw , Mary
s.n. [sine nomine]
14164 An exhortation to a serious reformation of life and manners. Being the late Bishop of London's fifth pastoral letter. Occasioned by the dangers threatned this nation from the late wicked and unnatural rebellion. ... Gibson , Edmund
1758 The seventh edition.
7622 An exhortation to the inhabitants of the province of South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, in their consciences. By. S. H. In which is inserted, some account of the author's experience in the important business of religion. Hume , Sophia
7623 An exhortation to the inhabitants of the province of South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, in their own consciences. By S. H. In which is inserted, some account of the author's experience in the important business of religion. Hume , Sophia
7625 An exhortation to the inhabitants of the province of South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, in their own consciences. By S. H. In which is inserted, some account of the author's experience in the important business of religion. Hume , Sophia
7613 An exhortation to the inhabitants of the province of South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, in their own consciences. By Sophia Hume. In which is inserted, some account of the author's experience in the important business of religion. Hume , Sophia
7617 An exhortation to the inhabitants of the province of South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, in their own consciences. By Sophia Hume. In which is inserted, some account of the author's experience in the important business of religion. Hume , Sophia
26115 An explanation of the Lord's prayer, commonly called. And true it is; for no man but the man Christ Jesus that ever could say that prayer in their [sic] heart. ... By Timothy Eglington. Eglington , Timothy
16293 An explanation of the Ten Commandments, partly composed, and partly compiled by an aged school-mistress, in the state of Massachusetts. Unknown , [Woman]
11635 An explanation of the two sacraments and the occasional rites and ceremonies of the Church of England in a series of dialogues between a mother and her daughters. Intended for the use of young persons. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
6906 An extract of letters by Mrs. L***. Lefevre , Mrs.
6911 An extract of letters by Mrs. L***. Lefevre , Mrs.
6912 An extract of letters by Mrs. L***. Lefevre , Mrs.
6910 An extract of letters by Mrs. L****. Lefevre , Mrs.
1563 An extract of the life, death, and spiritual experience, of Mrs. Agnes Smyth, whose spirit returned unto God who gave it, on the 22d of May 1783, in the 28th year of her Age Smyth , Agnes
13751 An hymn to the Creator of the world. The thoughts taken chiefly from Psal. civ. To which is added in prose, An idea of the Creator from his works. Burgh , James