Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 426–450 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
15934 An Appeal to the Christian Women of America. Unknown , [Woman]
Ladies' New York City Anti-Slavery Society (New York City)
7340 An attempt to familiarize the catechism of the Church of England. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
7409 An attempt to familiarize the catechism of the Church of England. For the use of schools and families. By Mrs. Trimmer. Second edition, corrected and improved. Trimmer , Sarah
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees (London)
Thomas Bensley (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (London)
1800 Second edition, corrected and improved.
6330 An aunt's advice to a niece, in a letter to Miss *** *******. Also some account of a correspondence with the late Rev. Dr. Dodd, during his imprisonment. By Mary Bosanquet. The third edition. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
Bennett Dugdale [Capel Street] (Dublin)
1793 The third edition.
6237 An aunt's advice to a niece, in a letter to Miss **** *******: Also Some Account of a Correspondence with the late Rev. Dr. Dodd, During his Imprisonment. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6557 An aunt's advice to a niece, in a letter to Miss **** *******. Also some account of a correspondence with the late Rev. Dr. Dodd, during his imprisonment. By Mary Bosanquet. The second edition. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
1780 The second edition.
6211 An aunt's advice to a niece, in a letter to Miss Mary Gaussen. Also some account of a correspondence with the late Rev. Dr. Dodd, during his imprisonment. By Mary De La Flechere. The third edition. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
1795 The third edition.
14706 An early acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures recommended in a sermon in behalf of the Walworth charity and Sunday-Schools for poor boys; preached at Mr. Booth’s meeting-house, ... London, August 13, 1797; by the Rev. Samuel Pearce, A.M. ... Pearce , Samuel
14163 An earnest dissuasive from intemperance in meats and drinks. The Tenth edition; revised and enlarged, with a more particular view to the point of spirituous liquors. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund Gibson, D.D. Late Lord Bishop of London. Now - reprinted under the direction of Dr. John Garnet, Lord Bishop of Glogher. Gibson , Edmund
1760 The tenth edition; revised and enlarged, with a more particular view to the point of spirituous liquors.
14258 An earnest dissuassive from intemperance in meats and drinks. The tenth edition; revised and enlarged, With a more particular View to the Point of Spirituous Liquors. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund Gibson, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of London. Now - reprinted under the Direction of Dr. John Garnet, Lord Bishop of Clogher. Gibson , Edmund
19456 An easy grammar of sacred history; containing the principal events recorded in the Old and New Testament. By Mary Ann Rundall, of Percy House, Bath. First American, from the second London, edition. Rundall , Mary Ann
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
1817 First American, from the second London, edition.
19457 An easy grammar of sacred history: containing the principal events recorded in the Old and New Testament. By Mary Ann Rundall, of Percy House, Bath. Second American from the second London edition. Rundall , Mary Ann
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
1818 Second American from the second London edition.
23950 An English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St. Gregory: Anciently used in the English-Saxon Church. Giving an Account of the Conversion of the English from Paganism to Christianity. Translated into modern English, with notes, &c. By Eliz. Elstob. 1709
25539 An enquiry into the behaviour of our great churchmen since the reformation in the enacting and executing of penal laws against papists and Protestant diffenters. Baron , Richard
John Noon (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
22210 An enquiry into the evidence of the Christian religion. Newcome , Susanna
William and John Innys (London)
24034 An enquiry into the evidence of the Christian religion. Newcome , Susanna
William and John Innys (London)
22860 An enquiry into the evidence of the Christian religion. By a lady. Mrs. Newcome. The Second Edition, with Additions. Newcome , Susanna
William Innys [St. Paul's] (London)
1732 The Second Edition, with Additions.
24417 An enquiry into the evidence of the Christian religion. The Second Edition, with Additions. Newcome , Susanna
William Innys [St. Paul's] (London)
1732 The Second Edition, with Additions.
3421 An epistle in true love, containing, a farewel exhortation to Friends families. Which I desire also may be read in their monthly and quarterly-meetings, throughout this nation of England. Jacob , Elizabeth
1647 An epistle of tender caution and advice to Friends especially the youth. Robinson , Ann
7577 An epistle to the inhabitants of South-Carolina; containing sundry observations proper to be consider'd by every professor of Christianity in general. By Sophia Hume. Hume , Sophia
25369 An essay for a review of the Book of common prayer. To which is added, a specimen thereof. Submitted to the Consideration of those in Authority. Attempted by an impartial hand. Unknown ,
Thomas Cooper (London)
25884 An essay on Christ's fear of death: or, an Appeal to the Equity and Common Sense of Mankind, From the Judgment of the Independent Church at Nottingham. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
602 An Essay on the Character and Practical Writings of Saint Paul. By Hannah More. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1815 The Second Edition
18573 An essay on the character and practical writings of St. Paul. By Hannah More. Two volumes in one. More , Hannah
Wells and Lilly (Boston)