Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 501–525 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
4320 Black Giles, the poacher; with some account of a family who had rather live by their wits than their work. In two parts. More , Hannah
4313 Black Giles, the poacher; with some account of a family who had rather live by their wits than their work. In two parts. ... To which is added, The Hampshire tragedy, a true story. More , Hannah
16247 Boston Series of Cheap Religious Tracts No. 18. The Touchstone; or, The way to know a true Christian. Being a description of the character of our blessed Saviour, with an inquiry whether we are like Him.: To which is added, an appeal, first to infidels, and then to persons who call themselves by the name of Christians. More , Hannah
4470 Britannus and Africus; or, an attempt to instruct the untutored mind in the principles of Christianity; in a course of conversations, Supposed to Take Place Between the Companion of a Missionary, and a Native of Africa. By the author of "sacred history, in familiar dialogues, &c." Published for the Benefit of a Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen. Neale , Hannah
Thomas Knott [Lombard Street] (London)
William Button I (London)
James Mathews [Matthews] (London)
John Martin [Great Russell Street] (London)
25937 Bungey: or the false brother, prov'd his own executioner, ... In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S-rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; ... By Mr. John Dunton, ... Dunton , John
25868 Bungey: or The false brother, prov'd his own executioner, In a sermon, upon these words, and went and hang'd himselself, Matth. XXVII. 5. In which, the secret vices, lewd principles, and (suppos'd) shameful death of that tool Dr. S-rel (alias Bungey) is set in a new light; and the black charge exhibited against him, offer'd to be attested in any Court of Justice (or even in St. Andrews Pulpit) when ever the Dr. will appoint the time. By Mr. John Dunton. Author of Neck or nothing, and the three late sermons intitled, The hereditary bastard, Ox- and Bull- and King Abigail. The Third Edition. Dunton , John
1715 The Third Edition.
16703 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Versified; for the Entertainment and Instruction of Youth. By George Burder, Author of Village Sermons, &c. With Other Poems Subjoined. Burder , George
More , Hannah
Joseph Sharpless (Philadelphia)
23063 By Ann Topham, under the operation of the Holy Spirit, at Edinburgh, January 13, 1710. Topham , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
21848 Catechismi Westmonasteriensis minoris Exemplar typis, quibus quantitas affigitur, Impressum. In Usum Discentium, quorum Parentes, doctrinam, disciplinam et fidem Presbyteriam in Civitatibus Americanis Foederatis profitentur. Accurante Ja. Ross, humanorum literarum, negnon et Graecae linguae professore. Ross , James
21264 Catechismus Articulique Religionis juxta usum Ecclesiae Episcopalis Reformatae in Republica Foederata Americana: recensitus In Usum Tyronum Collegii Neo-Caesariensis. 1803
21849 Catechismus Minor Recensitus In Usum Tyronum Collegii Neo-Caesariensis. 1803
18149 Catharine Brown, the converted Cherokee: a missionary drama, founded on fact. Written by a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
11089 Cheap Repository Tracts; Entertaining, Moral, and Religious More , Hannah
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
S. Hazard (Bath)
James Evans (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
4389 Cheap Repository. 'tis all for the best. More , Hannah
4367 Cheap repository. A hymn of praise for the abundant harvest of 1796. More , Hannah
4338 Cheap repository. A Sunday reading. On carrying religion into the common business of life. A dialogue between James Stock and Will Simpson, the shoemakers, as they sat at work. More , Hannah
4091 Cheap Repository. A Sunday reading. The grand assizes; or, General gaol delivery. More , Hannah
4342 Cheap Repository. A Sunday reading. The grand assizes; or, General goal delivery. More , Hannah
3935 Cheap Repository. Sunday reading. Bear ye one another's burthens; or, the valley of tears: a vision. More , Hannah
4361 Cheap Repository. Sunday reading. The general resurrection, Part I. Being a description, taken from scripture, of some of the events which will come to pass at the end of the world: More , Hannah
4337 Cheap Repository. Sunday reading. The grand assizes; or General goal delivery. More , Hannah
4355 Cheap Repository. Sunday reading. The grand assizes; or, General goal delivery. More , Hannah
4077 Cheap Repository. The history of Hester Wilmot; or, the new gown. Part II. Being a Continuation of the Sunday school. More , Hannah
4097 Cheap Repository. The history of Hester Wilmot; or, the second part of the Sunday school. More , Hannah
4094 Cheap Repository. The Sunday School. More , Hannah