Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 526–550 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14693 Christ crucified, the grand theme of Paul’s ministry; illustrated in a sermon, preached at the Baptist Monthly meeting, August 22, 1799, at Mr. Hutchings’ place of Worship, Unicorn-Yard, Southwark. By James Dore. Dore , James
21395 Christ Must Increase. A Sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; by appointment of their Standing Committee of Missions, May 23, 1803. Published at their Request. By Henry Kollock, A. M. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth-town, New-Jersey. Kollock , Henry
Green , Ashbel
26116 Christ only exalted: from Exekiel xxi. 26, 27. It is the spirit of Christ, that taketh of things of his, and sheweth them unto us E. , T.
2877 Christ the standard of truth set up, by the light of the morning star, the principle of truth: and Satan, the son of perdition, revealed, by the same light. Containing A short Account of the Creation and Fall in Heaven, with the Creation and Fall on Earth-The State of Man in the Fall-Likewise an Account of Christ Reigning with his Saints in his espoused Church, on Earth, for One Thousand Years, till he hath made his Bride ready: when he will descend with all his holy Angels and sound the Trumpet at the Gate of the holy city, to call all to Judgment. By Dorothy Gott, author of "the midnight cry." Gott , Dorothy
25310 Christian liberty asserted: In Opposition to Protestant Popery. In a letter to Mr. Thomas Bradbury. By a Dissenting Lay-Man. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
3407 Christian meditations. By the late Archdutchess Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Infant Duke of Parma, and consort of the Archduke Joseph, now King of the Romans. From the original printed at Vienna by authority. , Maria Elizabeth
John Nourse (London)
18564 Christian morals by Hannah More. From the fourth London edition More , Hannah
D. Huntington (New York)
1813 From the fourth London edition
1010 Christian Morals: By Hannah More. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
18561 Christian morals: by Hannah More. Second American Edition. More , Hannah
Richard Scott [276 Pearl Street] (New York City)
1813 Second American Edition.
18562 Christian morals. By Hannah More. First American from the Fourth London Edition. More , Hannah
Eastburn, Kirk and Co. (New York City)
Bradford and Read (Boston) (Boston)
1813 First American from the Fourth London Edition.
22501 Church-pageantry display'd: or, Organ=worship, arraign'd and condemn'd, as inconsistent with the revelation and worship of the Gospel, the sentiments of the ancient fathers, the Church of England, and several eminent divines, both Protestants and papists. By Eugenius Junior - in answer to a letter about organs. Owen , James
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
6552 Clear and remarkable display of the condescension, love and faithfulness of God, in the spiritual experiences of, Mary Somervel. Wherein is shewn, her near access to the throne of grace: her remarkable discoveries and sweet enjoyment of true love of God; the sensible and particular returns of prayer she received; as also her personal engagements to the Lord. Printed from her own manuscript. Somervel , Mary
6554 Clear and remarkable display of the condescension, love, and faithfulness of God, in the spiritual experiences of Mary Somervel. Wherein is shewn her near access to the throne of grace; her remarkable discoveries and sweet enjoyment of the love of God; the sensible and particular returns of prayer she received; as also her personal engagements, to the Lord. Who died at Ayr, Jan. 1762, aged 84 years. Printed from her own manuscript. Somervel , Mary
17033 Coelebs deceived. By the author of "An antidote to the miseries of human life," "Cottage sketches," &c. &c. Corp , Harriet
Abraham Small (Philadelphia)
18568 Coelebs in search of a wife; comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. Fifth American from the Ninth London Edition. In two volumes. More , Hannah
Isaac Riley (New York)
1810 Fifth American from the Ninth London Edition.
18565 Coelebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. From the second London edition. In two volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas and James Swords (New York)
1809 From the second London edition.
18569 Coelebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. The Fifth American Edition. In two volumes. More , Hannah
Oliver Cromwell Greenleaf (Boston)
John West and Company (Boston)
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Boston)
West and Blake (Boston)
William Andrews (Boston)
Edward Cotton (Boston)
Ensign Lincoln & Thomas Edmands (Boston)
1810 The Fifth American Edition
18570 Coelebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. Two volumes in one. More , Hannah
18566 Coelebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. The Second American Edition. In two volumes. More , Hannah
1809 The Second American Edition
18571 Coelebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. Two volumes in one. More , Hannah
David Carlisle [New York] (New York)
16704 Coming sinners welcome to Christ. A sermon, by George Burder, selected from the volume entitled "Village sermons." Burder , George
Steele , Anne
13423 Compendium of a Controversy on Water-Baptism. Knowles , Mary
4370 Considerations on religion and public education, with remarks on the speech of M. Dupont delivered in the National Convention of France. By Hannah More. The third edition. More , Hannah
Christopher Jackson [4 Anglesea Street] (Dublin)
1793 The third edition.
24759 Contemplations moral and divine; with The applause of virtue: to which is added, Meditations on death. Written by a person of honour. Illustrated with copper cutts. Norton , Frances
23943 Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The Eighth Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio
Arthur Bettesworth (London)
J. Richardson (London)
1718 The Eighth Edition.