Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 551–575 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
23942 Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D.D and late lord bishop of Down and Connor. The Seventh Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio
1707 The Seventh Edition.
23941 Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D.D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The Sixth Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio
H. Newman (London)
E. Richardson
1702 The Sixth Edition.
24618 Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D.D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The Ninth Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio
Samuel Kneeland (Boston)
1723 The Ninth Edition.
24901 Conversations on Church Polity. By a Lady. Gunn , Harriet
Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis (London)
17721 Conversations on the Bible. By a lady Hall , Sarah Ewing
Harrison Hall (Philadelphia)
1242 Conversations on the Evidences of Christianity, in which the Leading Arguments of the Best Authors are Arranged, Developed, and Connected with Each Other. For the Use of Young Persons and Theological Students. Marcet , Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
1037 Copies of Letters Sent to the Clergy of Exeter, from 1796 to 1800, with Communications and Prophecies put in the Newspapers in 1813 Southcott , Joanna
2762 Copy of a letter from the Countess of Huntingdon, to one of her students, who had desired her ladyship's opinion and advice with respect to the ministry:-which is now published at the request of the ministers in her connection, for the use of the students in general. Hastings , Selina
s.n. [sine nomine]
15602 Critical Remarks on many important Passages of Scripture: together with dissertations upon several subjects, tending to illustrate the phraseology and doctrine of the New Testament. By ... N. Cappe. To which are prefixed memoirs of his life, by the editor, Catharine Cappe. Cappe , Newcome
Thomas Wilson and Robert Spence (York)
14699 Cruelty the natural and inseparable consequence of slavery, and both diametrically opposite to the doctrine and spirit of the Christian religion: represented in a sermon, preached on Sunday, March 11th, 1792, at Hemel-Hempstead, Herts. By John Liddon. Liddon , John
6376 Cursory remarks on An enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship: inscribed to Gilbert Wakefield, ... By Eusebia. Hays , Mary
Thomas Knott [Lombard Street] (London)
6185 Cursory remarks on An enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship: inscribed to Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. Late Fellow of Jesus-College, Cambridge. By Eusebia. Hays , Mary
Thomas Knott [Lombard Street] (London)
4966 Daily conversation with God, exemplified in the holy life of Armelle Nicolas, a poor ignorant country maid in France; commonly known by the name of the good Armelle, deceas'd in Bretaigne in the year 1671. Done out of French. Le Royer , Jeanne
Elizabeth Farley (Bristol)
4963 Daily conversation with God, exemplified in the holy life of Armelle Nicolas, a poor ignorant country maid in France; commonly known by the name of the good Armelle, deceas'd in Bretaigne in the year 1671. Done out of French. The Fourth edition, corrected. Le Royer , Jeanne
John Oliver (London)
1757 The Fourth edition, corrected.
4967 Daily conversation with God, exemplified in the holy life of Armelle Nicolas, commonly call'd the good Armelle; a poor ignorant country maid in France. Le Royer , Jeanne
s.n. [sine nomine]
4958 Daily conversation with God. Being an extract of the life of Armelle Nicolas, who died in Bretaigne, in France, in the year 1671. With a short account of Laurentius. Le Royer , Jeanne
s.n. [sine nomine]
20833 Dank-Psalm zur Einweihung des neuerbauten Kirchen-Saals in Bethlehem am 20sten May, 1806. 1806
26167 David and Solomon: or, Good will to the King, and the King's son. Set forth in a discourse preach'd to a congregation of Protestant dissenters. By J. Harrington, author of popery and treason insepdrable. Harrington , Joseph
John Baker I [Pater-Noster-Row] (London)
21737 Death a continuation of life. A sermon preached at the New Jerusalem Temple, in Red Cross Street, near Cripplegate, London, on John XI. 23. Thy brother shall rise again. By Manoah Sibly, N.H.M. To which is added, Two letters. By the Rev. John Clowes, minister of St. John's, Manchester. Sibly , Manoah
Clowes , John
24673 Death the certain wages of sin to the impenitent: life the sure reward of grace to the penitent: together with the only way for youth to avoid the former, and attain the latter. Deliver'd in three lecture sermons; occasioned by the imprisonment, condemnation and execution, of a young woman, who was guilty of murdering her infant begotten in whoredom. To which is added, an account of her manner of life & death, in which the glory of free grace is displayed. By Mr. John Rogers, Pastor of the Church of Ipswich. Rogers , John
Samuel Phillips [Brick Shop] (Boston)
1638 Dedicated to the candid and pious of every denomination. Quotations from Dr. Newton's Dissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world; with some humble remarks respecting the latter days; or, the approach of the expected millennium: supposed to commence at the expiration of six thousand years from the creation of the earth. And observations on The Benefit of the Press, &c. By Mrs. Alice Williams, Late Miss Witts. Williams , Alice
s.n. [sine nomine]
6532 Des raisons de la nécéssité d'attendre en silence, pour le culte solemnel de Dieu. A quoi sout [sic] ajoutées, plusieurs citations tirées de l'Apologie de Robert Barclay, ... Par Marie Brook. Le tout traduit de la quatrième édition en anglois par Claude Gay. Brook , Mary
141 Devotional Exercises Extracted from Bishop Patrick's Christian Sacrifice. Adapted to the Present Time and To General Use. By Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins Hawkins , Laetitia-Matilda
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
134 Devotional Exercises, Consisting of Reflections and Prayers, for the Use of Young Persons. To Which is Added a Treatise on the Lord's Supper. By a lady. Martineau , Harriet
Rowland Hunter (London)
15881 Devotional Exercises, Consisting of Reflections and Prayers, for the Use of Young Persons. To Which is Added a Treatise on the Lord's Supper. By a lady. Second Edition. Martineau , Harriet
Rowland Hunter (London)
1825 Second Edition.