Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1176–1200 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
3987 Sunday reading. Death of Christ; or, tract for Good Friday. More , Hannah
4137 Sunday reading. On carrying religion into the common business of life: a dialogue between James Stock and Will. Simpson, the shoemakers, as they sat at work: to which is added, The hackney coachman, &c. More , Hannah
4329 Sunday Reading. On carrying religion into the common business of life. :A dialogue between James Stock and Will Simpson, the shoemakers, as they sat at work. More , Hannah
4067 Sunday reading. On carrying religion into the common business of life. A dialogue between James Stock and Will. Simpson, the shoemakers, as they sat at work. To which is addded, the hackney coachman, &c. More , Hannah
3917 Sunday reading. On carrying religion into the Common Business of Life. A dialogue between James Stock and Will. Simpson, the shoemakers, as they sat at work. To which is added, The hackney coachman, &c. More , Hannah
3932 Sunday reading. Parley the porter, an allegory. Shewing how robbers without can never get into an house unless there are traitors within. More , Hannah
William Watson and Son (Dublin)
4315 Sunday reading. The pilgrims. An allegory. More , Hannah
4331 Sunday Reading. The servant man turned soldier; or, The fair weather Christian. :A parable More , Hannah
4239 Sunday reading. The strait gate and the broad way, being the second part of the valley of tears. More , Hannah
573 Suspirium Sanctorum; or, Holy Breathings. A series of prayers for every day in the month Bury , Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell
24051 The academy of learned divines; detecting many secret sins, which the more religious part of mankind is addicted to: and shewing the true means to reform them. The third and last part. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon. Bourignon , Antoinette
Richard Burrough and John Baker I (London)
24049 The academy of learned divines; shewing how to discern between the truth of God and the studied opinions of men. ... Part 1. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon. Bourignon , Antoinette
Richard Burrough and John Baker I (London)
24050 The academy of learned divines. Wherein certain marks are given to discern the spirit of God from the spirit of the devil, or of corrupt nature. ... Part II. By Mrs. Antonia Bourignon. Bourignon , Antoinette
Richard Burrough and John Baker I (London)
25521 The antiquity and usefulness of instrumental musick in the service of God. In a sermon preach'd at Isleworth, in the county of Middlesex, on Palm-Sunday, 1738, ... By Richard Coleire, ... Coleire , Richard
Henry Woodfall I (London)
1653 The arguments of counsel in the Ecclesiastical Court, in the cause of Inglefield. With the speech of Doctor Calvert; on the twenty-second of July, 1786, at giving judgment. Printed from an Authentic Copy of Mr. Gurney's Short Hand Notes. Inglefield , Ann
John Murray I [Fleet Street] (London)
14645 The art of divine contentment. By Thomas Watson, pastor of St. Stephen’s, Walbrook, London, in the year of our lord 1653. Revised and corrected, by Thomas Bennett, Minister of the Gospel. Watson , Thomas
1793 The fifteenth edition.
14210 The ax laid to the root of popery: or, A strong preservative against the Romish missionaries, who are extraordinarily busy, promising themselves numerous conversions among the ignorant; occasion'd by the schisms, impiety and atheism, so deplorably growing among us. With plain and easy reflections upon the articles of faith of the Church of Rome, sufficient to render the creed of Pope Pius IV. incredible. de Daillon , Jacques
Sarah Hyde (Dublin)
26110 The axe (once more) laid to the root of the tree. Published for the universal benefit of mankind. And dedicated to the land-holders of the British dominions. By a friend to truth and the Christian religion. Unknown ,
4305 The bad bargain; or, The world set up to sale. More , Hannah
4308 The bad bargain; or, The world set up to sale. More , Hannah
19576 The Beatitudes. Sedgwick , Elizabeth Buckminster [Mrs. Charles Sedgwick]
25199 The behaviour of the cl-gy, as well as their traditions, destructive of religion. Or, a succinct history of priestcraft, Throughout all ages. Containing, A general Introduction of the Institution of all pretended Revelations. - Remarks on Priestcraft amongst the Greeks: The strange Superstition of that learned People, proved to be the Ruin of Athens. - Remarks on Roman Priestcraft, their Augurs, Pontiffs, &c. - An Account of the Bramins, Bonzees, Talapoins, and other Eastern Priests: with a curious History of the Pharisees and Sadduces among the Jews. - Popish Priestcraft unveil'd, particularly with regard to our own Island. Concluding with The Secret Intrigues of the Gown with all Parties from the Reformation to the Vicars Ap---cy. Dedicated to the Most Worthy Sect of Free-Thinkers. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops, Priests and Deacons, with true Knowledge and Understanding of thy Word; and that both by their Preaching and Living they may set it forth and shew it accordingly. Liturgy of the Ch. of England. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] (London)
Joseph Crichley (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
1731 The Second Edition.
14660 The believer’s victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Being the substance of a sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Pike; ... 1799, ... To which is added A letter to a friend. By James Upton, ... Upton , James
25993 The best work and true duty of a Christian: in order to the obtaining through faith and repentance the crown of eternal life: in three excellent letters, written by The Reverend and Learned F. V. Houten, Minister of the Gospel at Middleburgh in New Zealand; and Mr. John Romers, &c. Translated from the Dutch. Houten , Fredericus van
Romers , John
14803 The Bible in miniature, or a concise history of the Old and New Testaments Unknown ,
Elizabeth Newbery (London)