Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1151–1175 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
19871 Some arguments against worldly-mindedness, and needless care and trouble. With some other useful instructions. Represented by way of a dialogue or discourse between two, by the names of Mary and Martha. Smith , Eunice
24035 Some brief epistles, testimonies and counsel, given by that antient and faithful servant of the Lord, Mary Edwards. Recommended to friends, called Quakers, in Gloucestershire, Wales, Bristol, and elsewhere concerned. Edwards , Mary
24690 Some brief epistles, testimonies and counsel, given by that antient and faithful servant of the Lord, Mary Edwards. Recommended to Friends, called Quakers, in Gloucestershire, Wales, Bristol, and elsewhere concerned. Edwards , Mary
25890 Some considerations on the danger of the church from her own clergy. Humbly Offer'd to the Lower-House of Convocation. Unknown ,
1215 Some Discourses, Epistles, and Letters, by the late Samuel Fothergill. To which are added, Some Discourses by the late Catharine Phillips, both of the Society of Friends. Now first published. Fothergill , Samuel
Phillips , Catherine
1803 Now first published.
24979 Some Observations upon the Laws against Protestant Dissenters; Proving that the Manner of Executing those Laws, is Provoking to God, Injurious to the Dissenters, and Scandalous to the Church. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
7276 Some particulars, relating to the life and death, of Rebecca Scudamore, interspersed with interesting reflexions; Together with extracts from divers of her letters; collected by S. Young. Including an account of her own case. Young , Sarah
7355 Some remarks on Christian discipline, as it respects the education of youth. Grubb , Sarah
7500 Some remarks on Christian discipline, as it respects the education of youth. By Sarah Grubb. Grubb , Sarah
15653 Some remarks, or short strictures, upon A compassionate enquiry into the causes of the Civil war: in a sermon preach'd in the church of St. Botolph Aldgate, on January 31. 170 1/4. The day of the fast for the martyrdom of King Charles the First. By White Kennet, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Huntingdon, and Minister of St. Botolph without Aldgate. Astell , Mary
Charles Brome (London)
24327 Some testimonies of learned men, in favour of the intended edition of the Saxon homilies, concerning the learning of the author of those homilies; and the advantages to be hoped for from an edition of them. In a letter from the published to a doctor in divinity. Elstob , Elizabeth
25740 Some thoughts concerning religion, natural and revealed, and the manner of understanding revelation: tending to shew that Christianity is, indeed very near, as old as the creation. Forbes , Duncan
25775 Some thoughts concerning religion, natural and revealed, and the manner of understanding revelation: tending to shew that Christianity is, indeed very near, as old as the creation. Forbes , Duncan
25481 Some thoughts concerning religion, natural and revealed, and the manner of understanding revelation: tending to shew that Christianity is, indeed very near, as old as the creation. The Fourth Edition. Forbes , Duncan
1736 The Fourth Edition.
24966 Some Thoughts Concerning Religion, Natural and Revealed, and the Manner of Understanding Revelation: Tending to Shew that Christianity is, Indeed very near, as Old as the Creation. The Second Edition. Forbes , Duncan
Henry Woodfall I (London)
1736 The Second Edition
13501 Spiritual letters by H.A. Rogers ; calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart and life. Rogers , Hester Ann
13502 Spiritual Letters by Mrs. H. A. Rogers; calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart and life. Rogers , Hester Ann
13504 Spiritual letters, by ... H.A. Rogers, written before and after her marriage : peculiarly calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart and life ... [Containing 28 letters]. Rogers , Hester Ann
1793 Spiritual letters, by Mrs. H. A. Rogers, written before and after her marriage; peculiarly calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart and life. Rogers , Hester Ann
13493 Spiritual letters, by Mrs. H. A. Rogers, written before and after her marriage; peculiarly calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart and life. Rogers , Hester Ann
13503 Spiritual letters, by Mrs. H.A. Rogers : written before and after her marriage: peculiarly calculated to illustrate and enforce holiness of heart and life. Rogers , Hester Ann
13498 Spiritual Letters: Calculated to Illustrate and Enforce Holiness of Heart and Life Rogers , Hester Ann
18358 Strictures on the six principles of the doctrine of Christ, and freedom of choice, by Thomas Manchester, selected from a manuscript written by his wife, Phebe Manchester. Manchester , Phebe
Brown & Wilson (Providence)
24022 Suite sur la religion essentielle à l'homme, servant de réponse aux objections qui ont été faites à l'ouvrage qui porte ce titre. Troisième partie. Huber , Marie
s.n. [sine nomine]
4053 Sunday reading, on carrying religion into the common business of life. A dialogue between James Stock and Will. Simpson, the shoemakers, as they sat at work. To which is added, the hackney coachman, &c. More , Hannah