Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1126–1150 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
21720 Seven sermons; on important subjects by Robert Russsl, at Wardhurst, in Sussex. Russel , Robert
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
14193 Several discourses preached at the Temple Church. By Tho. Sherlock, D.D. Late Master of the Temple, now Lord Bishop of London. Sherlock , Thomas
George and Alexander Ewing (Dublin)
Alice James (Dublin)
24174 Several excellent methods of hearing mass With fruit & benefit according to the institution of that Divine Sacrifice and the intention of our Holy Mother the Church With Motives To induce all good Christians, particularly Religious Persons to make use of the same: as also Several other practices of Devotion appertaining to a Religious life Collected Together By the Right Honourable Lady Lucy Herbert of Powis Superior of the English Augustin-Nuns. Herbert , Lady Lucy
5173 Several excellent methods of hearing mass, with fruit and benefit, according to the institution of that divine sacrifice, and the intention of our Holy Mother the Church. With motives To induce all good Christians, particularly Religious Persons, to make Use of the same: Collected together by the Right Honourable Lady Lucy Herbert, of Powis, Superior of the English Augustin Nuns. Herbert , Lady Lucy
s.n. [sine nomine]
5176 Several methods and practices of devotion: appertaining to a religious life. Collected together by the Right Hon. Lady Lucy Herbert, Of Powis, Superior of the English Augustin Nuns. Herbert , Lady Lucy
s.n. [sine nomine]
5455 Short histories transcribed from the Holy Scriptures; intended for the use, entertainment, and benefit of children, and by an easy step to introduce young minds to an early acquaintance with the Bible. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
5335 Short histories transcribed from the Holy Scriptures: intended for the use, entertainment, and benefit of children, and by an easy step to introduce young minds to an early acquaintance with the Bible. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
John Jackson (Lichfield)
13570 Short hymns on select passages of the Holy Scriptures. By Charles Wesley, M.A. And Presbyter of the Church of England. Wesley , John
1906 Sins of government, sins of the nation ; or, a discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793. By a volunteer. The Fourth Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1793 The Fourth Edition.
1995 Sins of government, sins of the nation; or, a discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793. By a volunteer. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1916 Sins of government, sins of the nation; or, A discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793. By a Volunteer. The fourth edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1793 The Fourth Edition.
1907 Sins of government, sins of the nation; or, a discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793. By a volunteer. The Second Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1793 The Second Edition.
25738 Sir R--d C-ks his farewell sermon; shewing, the Christian religion was not introduced by power and force, nor established by violence. Cocks , Richard
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
5614 Six sermonicles, or discourses on the punishment of Eve. Attempted by the authoress of Letters on the antediluvian females. Hutton , Lucy
19005 Sketches of piety, in the life and religious experiences of Jane Pearson. Extracted from her own memorandums. Pearson , Jane
Samuel Wood and Sons [261 Pearl Street] (New York City)
21618 Socrates and Jesus compared. By Joseph Priestley, L.L.D. F.R.S. Priestley , Joseph
1006 Some Account of Circumstances in the Life of Mary Pennington, from her Manuscript, Left for her Family Penington , Mary
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
3262 Some account of the expeience [sic] of E. J. Jackson , Elizabeth
3264 Some account of the experience of E. J. Jackson , Elizabeth
21040 Some account of the happy death of Edwin Tapper, aged 15 years. Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street] (Philadelphia)
21041 Some account of the happy death of Peter V of Somerville, New Jersey. Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street] (Philadelphia)
16328 Some Account of the Life and Religious Experience of Mary Alexander, Late of Needham Market. Alexander , Mary
Benjamin and Thomas Kite (Philadelphia)
2802 Some account of the proceedings at the college of the Right Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon, in Wales. Relative to Those Students called to go to her Ladyship's College in Georgia. Also, An Account of their being set apart to the Work of the Holy Ministry in America, at Tottenham-Court Chapel in London, on Tuesday the 20th of October, 1772, by the Rev. Mr. Shirley and the Rev. Mr. Piercy. And of The Rev. Mr. Piercy's Farewel Sermon, and Pastoral Charge to them, as President of Georgia College, on Tower-Hill, Friday before their Embarkation. Likewise Some Account of the Rev. Mr. Piercy's Farewel Sermon to the Congregation in Tottenham-Court Chapel, on Sunday the 15th of November, 1772. In three letters. By One who was present. Unknown ,
s.n. [sine nomine]
25025 Some Account of the Religious Experience and Gospel Labours of Thomas Rutter. Rutter , Thomas
19867 Some arguments against worldly mindedness, and needless care and trouble. With some other useful instructions. Represented by way of a dialogue or discourse between Mary and Martha. Smith , Eunice