ID 27
Name John Exshaw I [Dame Street]
Gender Unknown
Street Address Bible, Dame Street
City Dublin
Start Date 1754
End Date 1776


Displaying 1–25 of 91

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher Amelia, or, the distressed wife: a history founded on real circumstances. By a private gentlewoman. Justice , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher The wife. Also, the husband, in answer to The wife. By Mira, one of the authors of The female spectator, and Betsy Thoughtless. In two volumes. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Publisher Barbarossa: a tragedy. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The third edition. James , Alice (Publisher)
Brown , John (Author)
Publisher Douglas: a tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres in Great Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. John Home. To which are prefixed, I. An address to the author. By David Hume, Esq.; ... III. Copy of a declaration, by the Rev. Presbytery of Glasgow. James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Douglas: a tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres in Great Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. Mr. Hume. To which are prefixed, I. An address to the author. By David Hume, Esq. Author of the History of Great Britain, &c. II. Copy of an Admonition and Exhortation, by the Rev. Presbytery of Edinburgh. III. Copy of a Declaration, by the Rev. Presbytery of Glasgow. James , Alice (Publisher)
Home , John (Author)
Hume , David (Introducer)
Publisher The proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, upon the bill, intituled, An act to release the from the obligation of the oath of secrecy, the members of the court-martial appointed for the tryal of Admiral John Byng, pursuant to the exception contained in the said oath. Together with the examinations of the several members of the said court-martial, taken upon oath at their lordships bar. To which is prefixed, an abstract of the proceedings of the Hon. House of Commons, upon the said bill. James , Alice (Publisher)
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords (Author)
Publisher The trial of the Honourable Admiral John Byng, at a court martial, as taken by Mr. Charles Fearne, Judge-Advocate of his Majesty's Fleet. Published by order of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, at the desire of the Court-Martial, to which are added, A copy of their Lordships Memorial to the King, in relation to the sentence passed upon Admiral Byng: A copy of the King's order in council for transmitting to their Lordships a copy of the report of the twelve judges, in relation to the said sentence: and also, A copy of that report. And a copy of warrant from their Lordships for carrying the said sentence into execution. Together with his defence; and all the papers read in court. Also, several others omitted by the Judge Advocate, but published by Mr. Cook in his account of the trial. Likewise, the names of the members by whom the questions were proposed, not taken notice of by Mr. Fearne. James , Alice (Publisher)
Fearne , Charles (Author)
Byng , John (Author)
Publisher Agis: a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. By the author of Douglas. To which is prefixed, the story of the tragedy of Agis. With observations on the play, the performance, and the reception. Home , John (Author)
James , Alice (Printer)
Publisher The Male-Coquette: or, Seventeen Hundred-Fifty-Seven. In two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Garrick , David (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher High Life Below Stairs. A farce of two acts. As it is perfromed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. James , Alice (Publisher)
Townley , James (Author)
Publisher Lethe. A dramatic satire: with the additional character of Lord Chalkstone. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. The sixth edition. By David Garrick, Esq. Garrick , David (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Lethe. A dramatic satire: with the additional character of Lord Chalkstone. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. The sixth edition. By David Garrick, Esq. Garrick , David (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher The foundling. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore, author of Fables for the Female Sex. Moore , Edward (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher The genuine legal sentence pronounced by the High Court of Judicature of Portugal upon the conspirators against the life of His Most Faithful Majest; with the just motives for the same. Literally translated from the original Portuguese, as printed at the Court of Lisbon, by order and authority of the said tribunal. James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher The history of the Countess of Dellwyn. In two volumes. By the author of David Simple. Vol. I. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher A new geographical and historical grammar: wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. Containing I. A description of the figure and motion of the Earth. II. Geographical definitions and problems, being a necessary introduction to this study. III. A general division of the globe into land and water. IV. The situation and extent of the several countries contained in each corner of the world; their cities, chief towns, history, present state, respective forms of government, forces, revenues, taxes, revolutions, and memorable events. Together with an account of the air, soil, produce, traffic, ... arms, religion, language, universities, bishopricks, manners, customs, habits, and coins, in use in the several kingdoms and states described. By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps of the ... drawn by the direction of Mr. Salmon, and engraved by Mr. Jefferys, geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The ninth edition, with very great additions and improvements. Salmon , Thomas (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Friendship in death; in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining. In prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. With the author's life prefixt; and other additions. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)
Publisher High Life Below Stairs. A farce of two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. James , Alice (Publisher)
Townley , James (Author)
Publisher The church catechism explain'd, by way of question and answer. And confirmed by scripture proofs. Divided into five parts, and twelve sections. Wherein a brief and plain account is given of, I. The Christian Covenant. II. The Christian Faith. III. The Christian Obedience. IV. The Christian Prayer. V. The Christian Sacraments. Collected by John Lewis, minister of Margate in Kent. The sixteenth edition, corrected. Lewis , John (Compiler)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher The Desert Island, a dramatic poem, in three acts. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. James , Alice (Publisher)
Murphy , Arthur (Translator)
Buonaventura , Pietro Antonio Domenico (Author)
Publisher The way to keep him, a comedy in three acts: as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. Murphy , Arthur (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Busiris, King of Egypt. A tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres in London and Dublin. By E. Young, L.L.B. Young , Edward (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Douglas: a tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres in Great-Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. John Home. To which are prefixed, I. An address to the author. By David Hume, Esq.; Author of the History of Great-Britain, &c. II. Copy of an Admonition and Exhortation, by the Rev. Presbytery of Edinburgh. III. Copy of a Declaration, by the Rev. Presbytery of Glasgow. Home , John (Author)
Hume , David (Introducer)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy, by Mr. William Shakespear. Shakespeare , William (Author)
James , Alice (Publisher)
Publisher The Jealous Wife: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By George Colman, Esq. Colman , George (the elder) (Author)
Leathley , Ann (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
and 1 more.

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"John Exshaw I [Dame Street]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 27, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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